Sunday, June 12, 2016

IT6105 BIT UCSC Interim Report Chapters Guidelines Bachelor of information technology university of colombo


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Title Page
This comprises the title of the dissertation, candidate’s name, BIT registration number, index number, the name(s) of the supervisor(s), the date of submission (month and year), and the following statement “This dissertation is submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirement of the Degree of Bachelor of Information Technology of the University of Colombo School of Computing”. The title of the dissertation should be clear and should describe the main area of work and will identify the name of the client. Do not include any abbreviations in the title. Refer the sample template for further details

The abstract should help a prospective reader decide whether to read the entire dissertation or not. A good abstract could be written using just a few paragraphs. For example, a four paragraph abstract could contain the following. The problem that you have solved can be given as the first paragraph. The second paragraph can elaborate on the first paragraph for example by giving the scope of your project and functionalities of the developed system. The third paragraph can contain the methodologies, technologies, tools, languages and databases that you used in the design and implementation of the solution and the last paragraph can contain the status of your project like for example whether it achieved the anticipated benefits

Contents identify all sections of the dissertation under the given preface, chapter and appendix headings along with their page numbers. It is recommended that sections are numbered up to three levels e.g., 5.2.1. Chapter 1 begins on page 1. Use roman numerals for all previous pages excepting the title page. That is, the numbering should start with the declaration page with page number ii. The overall structure of dissertation content should show a clear progression of logical thought. Choose self-explanatory section and subsection titles relevant to the topic under consideration. 20 List of Figures All figures in the dissertation should be numbered and named using an appropriate caption. Numbering is done using chapter number and a sequence number (e.g. Figure 3.2 for second figure in Chapter 3). Figures in the appendices are numbered using the Appendix letter (e.g. Figure C.2 for second figure in Appendix C).

List of figures 
consists of figure number, captions and page numbers. List can be generated using features of a word processing package. All figures used in the main chapters must be described in text prior to its use and must be referred to using its figure number. For example, in Section 3.5 of this document Figure 3.1 is referred to in text in the paragraph before the figure. List of Tables All tables in the dissertation should be numbered and named using an appropriate caption. Numbering is done using chapter number and a sequence number (e.g. Table 3.2 for second table in Chapter 3). Tables in the appendices are numbered using the Appendix letter (e.g. Table C.2 for second table in Appendix C).

List of tables 
consists of table number, captions and page numbers. List can be generated using features of a word processing package. All tables used in the main chapters must be described in text prior to its use and must be referred to using its table number. In section 5.1 of this document Table 5.2 is referred to in text in the paragraph numbered as (18).

List of Acronyms
Provides the meanings of all abbreviations used in the dissertation in alphabetical order. Refer page (ix) for an example.

Chapter 1 – Introduction This is one of the most important components of the report. The motivation for the project should be argued here. Then a brief introduction to the project should be provided indicating its objectives and scope. Finally, a paragraph containing an outline of the remaining chapters (starting with Chapter 2) is recommended.

Chapter 2 – Analysis In this chapter, information on the existing system should be provided through a TopLevel Use Case Diagram. Note: The candidates can incorporate different types of diagrams to describe the processes and functionalities of the existing system. However they should select only the diagrams that are most appropriate to their project. Also they should also be judicious in picking the right amount of detail that the reader- especially the PEB- will appreciate and relegate any detailed diagrams to the appendix B. The candidate should review at least two existing software that are similar to the proposed system. The review must be comprehensive and up-to-date. It may be appropriate to incorporate criticisms of these systems where needed (and to justify the criticisms). This review will also help you identify the ideas from these software that are useful and can be applied to your project and those that are not. Also note that everything used should be cited by reference to the ``References'' section at the end of the dissertation. An analysis of the requirements should also be provided in this chapter. For example, the requirements of the system could be listed. A specification of the number of users, the frequency of use, and the jobs of the users could be provided. Functional requirements covering system functionality expected by the users and non-functional requirements covering reliability, portability, and response and processing times should be addressed with detailed justification. Description of the prerequisites that must be applied for the system to be used (called success factors) should be given. Include a section to the end of the analysis chapter to describe the selected methodology. Here candidate can describe the selected methodology such as Rapid Application Development (RAD), Rational Unified Process (RUP), an Agile Process, etc.

Chapter 3 – Design In this chapter the candidate should consider different competing design strategies (“alternate solutions” as given in dissertation evaluation form –see Table 6.1) for his system. The different strategies may involve the way of development (developing from 22 scratch, using open-source components, etc.,), the development platform (stand-alone personal computer, client-server environment, etc.,), choice of system software (Windows, Linux, etc.). The candidate should compare how the project requirements are satisfied through each alternative as well as the costs involved in each and select with justification a single design strategy for implementation. The design of the proposed system should be another major section of this chapter. The structure of the system should be clear to the reader after reading this chapter. There should be evidence of a methodical approach to the design of the system. In this chapter, the candidate should describe the design of the system referring to different types of diagrams/models; for example, if non-object oriented methodology has been selected then include use case diagrams, use case narratives, activity diagrams, and entity relationship diagrams, and if object oriented methodology has been selected then include use case diagrams and use case narratives, class diagrams, sequence diagrams, etc. Note: Do not forget to refer all figures and tables in text. User interface design is the next major section of this chapter. The candidates should describe the design considerations for designing user interfaces of the system and justify the design decisions that were made. Layouts of relevant interfaces should be included in order to clarify the design decisions taken.

It is very important to acknowledge any of the work of others that the candidate used or adapted in the project, or that provided the essential background or context to the dissertation. Please note that IEEE is the recommended referencing and citation style for your dissertation. The details of these references are provided in References section of the dissertation. You should include any web links too. This is how the referencing should be done. In the main body of text, external work may be referred for example in the following ways:

Example 1: Systems analysis and design techniques are considered essential for developing client/server and web-centric applications [6, 7].
Example 2: Software testing [8] is an iterative process.
Example 3: “Plagiarism is an act of fraud. It involves both stealing someone else's work and lying about it afterward” [9].

In the References section, each citation should be listed in the relevant format (Refer to an IEEE referencing and citation style guide). For example, the reference section entries for the above two examples would be; [6] J.L. Whitten and L.D. Bentley, Systems Analysis and Design Methods, 7th ed. Tata McGraw-Hill, 2007. [7] UCSC, The Virtual Learning Environment for the BIT Students, 2006. [Online] Available: , [Accessed: 30 Oct, 2013]
[8] I. Sommerville, Software Engineering, 8th ed. Addison-Wesley, 2006.
 [9] - Best Practices for Ensuring Originality in Written Work, "What is Plagiarism?", 2015. [Online]. Available: 101/what-is-plagiarism/. [Accessed: 29- Dec- 2015].
Please note that every item included in the references should be cited within the text of the dissertation. Use a referencing and citation style guide from IEEE. The candidate may refer to IEEE Editorial Style Manual [11].

Page Number
All pages should be numbered including Chapter 1 beginning from page 1. Use roman numerals for pages before that as used in this guidelines document.

Report writing style should be of the passive form. It is considered very bad style in a formal report to make explicit references to what the candidate himself did as in for example “I decided...”. Scientific papers never use the first person in this way. The passive form as in “it was decided...” is strongly preferred. In the dissertation, the first person could be used judiciously in the introduction and conclusions, but the use of “we” is recommended over “I”. The use of first person writing should be avoided everywhere else in the dissertation

The suggested chapter structure for the dissertation is given in section 5.2.2. If needed, the candidate should carefully decide on suitable sections and sub-sections for each chapter. Section and sub-section headings should be short, meaningful, and similar in tone. It is not recommended to keep more than two levels of subsections, unless it is absolutely necessary. Note that when a section of text is subdivided, there should ordinarily be at least two sub-sections (e.g., If there is no Section 1.2, you should never number a section as Section 1.1 as then a reader would look for a non-existent Section 1.2)

Please note that in writing, only the first letter of a proper noun should be capitalized at the middle of a sentence. All the others should be written in lowercase. If you are not sure whether to capitalize or not, use lower-case.

Note also that you should not use shortened word forms in writing. Thus for example, have not should be used instead of haven’t, is not instead of isn’t, do not instead of don’t and so on.

Plagiarism is the presentation of another person’s thoughts or words as though they were candidate’s own. The candidate should avoid this when writing his dissertation. All sentences or passages quoted in report from other people’s work have to be specially acknowledged by clear cross-referencing to author, work and page(s). Direct quotations from published or unpublished work of others should always be clearly identified as such by being placed inside quotation marks, and full reference to their source should be provided in the proper form. Equally, if another person’s ideas or judgements are summarized, the candidate should refer to that person in the main text of the dissertation, and include the work referred to in the references section of the dissertation. Failure to observe these rules may result in an allegation of cheating.

What Are the Differences Between Inventory & Stock Control System?


Inventory includes a small business's finished products, as well as the raw materials used to make the products, the machinery used to produce the products and the building in which the products are made. In other words, anything that goes into producing the items sold by your business is part of its inventory.


Stock is the finished product that is sold by the business. In some cases, stock is also raw materials, if the business also sells those products to its customers. For example, a car dealership's stock includes cars, but also can include tires, engine parts or other car accessories.

Differences Between Inventory and Stock

While stock deals with products that are sold as part of the business's daily operation, inventory includes sale products and the goods and materials used to produce them. For example, the cars, car parts and accessories are sold during normal business practices, but the machines that run diagnostic tests on cars or the car lot itself are not. Inventory takes in account all of the assets a business uses to produce the goods it sells and determines the sale price for the stock. The stock determines the amount of revenue a business generates. The more stock that is sold, the higher the revenues.

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