Friday, December 27, 2013

Important LINUX commands

1. tar command examples

Create a new tar archive.

$ tar cvf archive_name.tar dirname/

Extract from an existing tar archive.

$ tar xvf archive_name.tar

View an existing tar archive.

$ tar tvf archive_name.tar

2. grep command examples

Search for a given string in a file (case in-sensitive search).

$ grep -i "the" demo_file

Print the matched line, along with the 3 lines after it.

$ grep -A 3 -i "example" demo_text

Search for a given string in all files recursively

$ grep -r "ramesh" *

3. find command examples

Find files using file-name ( case in-sensitve find)

# find -iname "MyCProgram.c"

Execute commands on files found by the find command

$ find -iname "MyCProgram.c" -exec md5sum {} \;

Find all empty files in home directory

# find ~ -empty

4. ssh command examples

Login to remote host

ssh -l jsmith

Debug ssh client

ssh -v -l jsmith

Display ssh client version

$ ssh -V

OpenSSH_3.9p1, OpenSSL 0.9.7a Feb 19 2003

5. sed command examples

When you copy a DOS file to Unix, you could find \r\n in the end of each line. This example converts the DOS file format to Unix file format using sed command.

$sed 's/.$//' filename

Print file content in reverse order

$ sed -n '1!G;h;$p' thegeekstuff.txt

Add line number for all non-empty-lines in a file

$ sed '/./=' thegeekstuff.txt | sed 'N; s/\n/ /'

6. awk command examples

Remove duplicate lines using awk

$ awk '!($0 in array) { array[$0]; print }' temp

Print all lines from /etc/passwd that has the same uid and gid

$awk -F ':' '$3==$4' passwd.txt

Print only specific field from a file.

$ awk '{print $2,$5;}' employee.txt

7. vim command examples

Go to the 143rd line of file

$ vim +143 filename.txt

Go to the first match of the specified

$ vim +/search-term filename.txt

Open the file in read only mode.

$ vim -R /etc/passwd

8. diff command examples

Ignore white space while comparing.

# diff -w name_list.txt name_list_new.txt


< John Doe --- > John M Doe

> Jason Bourne

9. sort command examples

Sort a file in ascending order

$ sort names.txt

Sort a file in descending order

$ sort -r names.txt

Sort passwd file by 3rd field.

$ sort -t: -k 3n /etc/passwd | more

10. export command examples

To view oracle related environment variables.

$ export | grep ORACLE

declare -x ORACLE_BASE="/u01/app/oracle"

declare -x ORACLE_HOME="/u01/app/oracle/product/10.2.0"

declare -x ORACLE_SID="med"

declare -x ORACLE_TERM="xterm"

To export an environment variable:

$ export ORACLE_HOME=/u01/app/oracle/product/10.2.0

11. xargs command examples

Copy all images to external hard-drive

# ls *.jpg | xargs -n1 -i cp {} /external-hard-drive/directory

Search all jpg images in the system and archive it.

# find / -name *.jpg -type f -print | xargs tar -cvzf images.tar.gz

Download all the URLs mentioned in the url-list.txt file

# cat url-list.txt | xargs wget –c

12. ls command examples

Display filesize in human readable format (e.g. KB, MB etc.,)

$ ls -lh

-rw-r----- 1 ramesh team-dev 8.9M Jun 12 15:27 arch-linux.txt.gz

Order Files Based on Last Modified Time (In Reverse Order) Using ls -ltr

$ ls -ltr

Visual Classification of Files With Special Characters Using ls -F

$ ls -F

13. pwd command

pwd is Print working directory. What else can be said about the good old pwd who has been printing the current directory name for ages.

14. cd command examples

Use “cd -” to toggle between the last two directories

Use “shopt -s cdspell” to automatically correct mistyped directory names on cd

15. gzip command examples

To create a *.gz compressed file:

$ gzip test.txt

To uncompress a *.gz file:

$ gzip -d test.txt.gz

Display compression ratio of the compressed file using gzip -l

$ gzip -l *.gz

         compressed        uncompressed  ratio uncompressed_name

              23709               97975  75.8% asp-patch-rpms.txt

16. bzip2 command examples

To create a *.bz2 compressed file:

$ bzip2 test.txt

To uncompress a *.bz2 file:

bzip2 -d test.txt.bz2

17. unzip command examples

To extract a *.zip compressed file:

$ unzip

View the contents of *.zip file (Without unzipping it):

$ unzip -l


  Length     Date   Time    Name

 --------    ----   ----    ----

    40995  11-30-98 23:50   META-INF/MANIFEST.MF

    32169  08-25-98 21:07   classes_

    15964  08-25-98 21:07   classes_names

    10542  08-25-98 21:07   classes_ncomp

18. shutdown command examples

Shutdown the system and turn the power off immediately.

# shutdown -h now

Shutdown the system after 10 minutes.

# shutdown -h +10

Reboot the system using shutdown command.

# shutdown -r now

Force the filesystem check during reboot.

# shutdown -Fr now

19. ftp command examples

Both ftp and secure ftp (sftp) has similar commands. To connect to a remote server and download multiple files, do the following.

$ ftp IP/hostname

ftp> mget *.html

To view the file names located on the remote server before downloading, mls ftp command as shown below.

ftp> mls *.html -






20. crontab command examples

View crontab entry for a specific user

# crontab -u john -l

Schedule a cron job every 10 minutes.

*/10 * * * * /home/ramesh/check-disk-space

21. service command examples

Service command is used to run the system V init scripts. i.e Instead of calling the scripts located in the /etc/init.d/ directory with their full path, you can use the service command.

Check the status of a service:

# service ssh status

Check the status of all the services.

service --status-all

Restart a service.

# service ssh restart

22. ps command examples

ps command is used to display information about the processes that are running in the system.

While there are lot of arguments that could be passed to a ps command, following are some of the common ones.

To view current running processes.

$ ps -ef | more

To view current running processes in a tree structure. H option stands for process hierarchy.

$ ps -efH | more

23. free command examples

This command is used to display the free, used, swap memory available in the system.

Typical free command output. The output is displayed in bytes.

$ free

             total       used       free     shared    buffers     cached

Mem:       3566408    1580220    1986188          0     203988     902960

-/+ buffers/cache:     473272    3093136

Swap:      4000176          0    4000176

If you want to quickly check how many GB of RAM your system has use the -g option. -b option displays in bytes, -k in kilo bytes, -m in mega bytes.

$ free -g

             total       used       free     shared    buffers     cached

Mem:             3          1          1          0          0          0

-/+ buffers/cache:          0          2

Swap:            3          0          3

If you want to see a total memory ( including the swap), use the -t switch, which will display a total line as shown below.

ramesh@ramesh-laptop:~$ free -t

             total       used       free     shared    buffers     cached

Mem:       3566408    1592148    1974260          0     204260     912556

-/+ buffers/cache:     475332    3091076

Swap:      4000176          0    4000176

Total:     7566584    1592148    5974436

24. top command examples

top command displays the top processes in the system ( by default sorted by cpu usage ). To sort top output by any column, Press O (upper-case O) , which will display all the possible columns that you can sort by as shown below.

Current Sort Field:  P  for window 1:Def

Select sort field via field letter, type any other key to return

  a: PID        = Process Id              v: nDRT       = Dirty Pages count

  d: UID        = User Id                 y: WCHAN      = Sleeping in Function

  e: USER       = User Name               z: Flags      = Task Flags


To displays only the processes that belong to a particular user use -u option. The following will show only the top processes that belongs to oracle user.

$ top -u oracle

25. df command examples

Displays the file system disk space usage. By default df -k displays output in bytes.

$ df -k

Filesystem           1K-blocks      Used Available Use% Mounted on

/dev/sda1             29530400   3233104  24797232  12% /

/dev/sda2            120367992  50171596  64082060  44% /home

df -h displays output in human readable form. i.e size will be displayed in GB’s.

ramesh@ramesh-laptop:~$ df -h

Filesystem            Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on

/dev/sda1              29G  3.1G   24G  12% /

/dev/sda2             115G   48G   62G  44% /home

Use -T option to display what type of file system.

ramesh@ramesh-laptop:~$ df -T

Filesystem    Type   1K-blocks      Used Available Use% Mounted on

/dev/sda1     ext4    29530400   3233120  24797216  12% /

/dev/sda2     ext4   120367992  50171596  64082060  44% /home

26. kill command examples

Use kill command to terminate a process. First get the process id using ps -ef command, then use kill -9 to kill the running Linux process as shown below. You can also use killall, pkill, xkill to terminate a unix process.

$ ps -ef | grep vim

ramesh    7243  7222  9 22:43 pts/2    00:00:00 vim

$ kill -9 7243

27. rm command examples

Get confirmation before removing the file.

$ rm -i filename.txt

It is very useful while giving shell metacharacters in the file name argument.

Print the filename and get confirmation before removing the file.

$ rm -i file*

Following example recursively removes all files and directories under the example directory. This also removes the example directory itself.

$ rm -r example

28. cp command examples

Copy file1 to file2 preserving the mode, ownership and timestamp.

$ cp -p file1 file2

Copy file1 to file2. if file2 exists prompt for confirmation before overwritting it.

$ cp -i file1 file2

29. mv command examples

Rename file1 to file2. if file2 exists prompt for confirmation before overwritting it.

$ mv -i file1 file2

Note: mv -f is just the opposite, which will overwrite file2 without prompting.

mv -v will print what is happening during file rename, which is useful while specifying shell metacharacters in the file name argument.

$ mv -v file1 file2

30. cat command examples

You can view multiple files at the same time. Following example prints the content of file1 followed by file2 to stdout.

$ cat file1 file2

While displaying the file, following cat -n command will prepend the line number to each line of the output.

$ cat -n /etc/logrotate.conf

    1   /var/log/btmp {

    2       missingok

    3       monthly

    4       create 0660 root utmp

    5       rotate 1

    6   }

31. mount command examples

To mount a file system, you should first create a directory and mount it as shown below.

# mkdir /u01

# mount /dev/sdb1 /u01

You can also add this to the fstab for automatic mounting. i.e Anytime system is restarted, the filesystem will be mounted.

/dev/sdb1 /u01 ext2 defaults 0 2

32. chmod command examples

chmod command is used to change the permissions for a file or directory.

Give full access to user and group (i.e read, write and execute ) on a specific file.

$ chmod ug+rwx file.txt

Revoke all access for the group (i.e read, write and execute ) on a specific file.

$ chmod g-rwx file.txt

Apply the file permissions recursively to all the files in the sub-directories.

$ chmod -R ug+rwx file.txt

33. chown command examples

chown command is used to change the owner and group of a file. \

To change owner to oracle and group to db on a file. i.e Change both owner and group at the same time.

$ chown oracle:dba

Use -R to change the ownership recursively.

$ chown -R oracle:dba /home/oracle

34. passwd command examples

Change your password from command line using passwd. This will prompt for the old password followed by the new password.

$ passwd

Super user can use passwd command to reset others password. This will not prompt for current password of the user.

# passwd USERNAME

Remove password for a specific user. Root user can disable password for a specific user. Once the password is disabled, the user can login without entering the password.

# passwd -d USERNAME

35. mkdir command examples

Following example creates a directory called temp under your home directory.

$ mkdir ~/temp

Create nested directories using one mkdir command. If any of these directories exist already, it will not display any error. If any of these directories doesn’t exist, it will create them.

$ mkdir -p dir1/dir2/dir3/dir4/

36. ifconfig command examples

Use ifconfig command to view or configure a network interface on the Linux system.

View all the interfaces along with status.

$ ifconfig -a

Start or stop a specific interface using up and down command as shown below.

$ ifconfig eth0 up

$ ifconfig eth0 down

37. uname command examples

Uname command displays important information about the system such as — Kernel name, Host name, Kernel release number,
Processor type, etc.,

Sample uname output from a Ubuntu laptop is shown below.

$ uname -a

Linux john-laptop 2.6.32-24-generic #41-Ubuntu SMP Thu Aug 19 01:12:52 UTC 2010 i686 GNU/Linux

38. whereis command examples

When you want to find out where a specific Unix command exists (for example, where does ls command exists?), you can execute the following command.

$ whereis ls

ls: /bin/ls /usr/share/man/man1/ls.1.gz /usr/share/man/man1p/ls.1p.gz

When you want to search an executable from a path other than the whereis default path, you can use -B option and give path as argument to it. This searches for the executable lsmk in the /tmp directory, and displays it, if it is available.

$ whereis -u -B /tmp -f lsmk

lsmk: /tmp/lsmk

39. whatis command examples

Whatis command displays a single line description about a command.

$ whatis ls

ls             (1)  - list directory contents

$ whatis ifconfig

ifconfig (8)         - configure a network interface

40. locate command examples

Using locate command you can quickly search for the location of a specific file (or group of files). Locate command uses the database created by updatedb.

The example below shows all files in the system that contains the word crontab in it.

$ locate crontab









41. man command examples

Display the man page of a specific command.

$ man crontab

When a man page for a command is located under more than one section, you can view the man page for that command from a specific section as shown below.

$ man SECTION-NUMBER commandname

Following 8 sections are available in the man page.

  1. General commands
  2. System calls
  3. C library functions
  4. Special files (usually devices, those found in /dev) and drivers
  5. File formats and conventions
  6. Games and screensavers
  7. Miscellaneous
  8. System administration commands and daemons

For example, when you do whatis crontab, you’ll notice that crontab has two man pages (section 1 and section 5). To view section 5 of crontab man page, do the following.

$ whatis crontab

crontab (1)          - maintain crontab files for individual users (V3)

crontab (5)          - tables for driving cron

$ man 5 crontab

42. tail command examples

Print the last 10 lines of a file by default.

$ tail filename.txt

Print N number of lines from the file named filename.txt

$ tail -n N filename.txt

View the content of the file in real time using tail -f. This is useful to view the log files, that keeps growing. The command can be terminated using CTRL-C.

$ tail -f log-file

43. less command examples

less is very efficient while viewing huge log files, as it doesn’t need to load the full file while opening.

$ less huge-log-file.log

One you open a file using less command, following two keys are very helpful.

CTRL+F – forward one window

CTRL+B – backward one window

44. su command examples

Switch to a different user account using su command. Super user can switch to any other user without entering their password.


Execute a single command from a different account name. In the following example, john can execute the ls command as raj username. Once the command is executed, it will come back to john’s account.

[john@dev-server]$ su - raj -c 'ls'


Login to a specified user account, and execute the specified shell instead of the default shell.


45. mysql command examples

mysql is probably the most widely used open source database on Linux. Even if you don’t run a mysql database on your server, you might end-up using the mysql command ( client ) to connect to a mysql database running on the remote server.

To connect to a remote mysql database. This will prompt for a password.

$ mysql -u root -p -h

To connect to a local mysql database.

$ mysql -u root -p

If you want to specify the mysql root password in the command line itself, enter it immediately after -p (without any space).

46. yum command examples

To install apache using yum.

$ yum install httpd

To upgrade apache using yum.

$ yum update httpd

To uninstall/remove apache using yum.

$ yum remove httpd

47. rpm command examples

To install apache using rpm.

# rpm -ivh httpd-2.2.3-22.0.1.el5.i386.rpm

To upgrade apache using rpm.

# rpm -uvh httpd-2.2.3-22.0.1.el5.i386.rpm

To uninstall/remove apache using rpm.

# rpm -ev httpd

48. ping command examples

Ping a remote host by sending only 5 packets.

$ ping -c 5

49. date command examples

Set the system date:

# date -s "01/31/2010 23:59:53"

Once you’ve changed the system date, you should syncronize the hardware clock with the system date as shown below.

# hwclock –systohc

# hwclock --systohc –utc

50. wget command examples

The quick and effective method to download software, music, video from internet is using wget command.

$ wget

Download and store it with a different name.

$ wget -O

Learn Linux Unix based on RHCT?

CALL +94 777 33 7279 | eMail

Thursday, December 19, 2013

Unit 12 Customising Applications

Visual basic GUI design

I have come up with two different interface designs.

version 1.0

This design does not make full use of the data model just described on the previous page. However, this is intentional. Every week, two sermons are preached thus it may save time just entering basic details of them both at the same time. This will form the basis of the first prototype.

version 2.0

This second design will form the basis of the second prototype. It allows the user to input more information about every sermon.

The feedback gained from each will impact the way the final design will appear. The plan is to take the best features, controls and layout characteristics of both versions, improve them and integrate them together in the final solution. Work on the code will run alongside them so there should be more code developed for the second version.


If you need guidance to complete your Unit 12 Customising Applications ?

CALL +94 777 33 7279 | eMail

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Edexcel Applied ICT Unit 8 Managing ICT Projects

Unit 8

Managing ICT Projects

This is a compulsory unit for the A2 award. It is assessed by means of an e-portfolio. The unit looks at some formal 
project management tools and some of the systems that can be used to manage a large project. 

During this unit you will undertake a user-focused project, creating a multimedia product for a real life user. The
 multimedia product will form the evidence of unit 10.

To the optimist, the glass is half full. 
To the pessimist, the glass is half empty. 
To the project manager, the glass is twice as big as it needs to be.

Too many plans start life doomed to failure
o Poorly defined requirements
o Unrealistic deadlines
o Lack of planning
o Lack of resources
o Scope Creep
You would not start a building project with the objective:-
o Build a house
You would at least state what you are trying to achieve:-
o Build a 3 bedroom house with 2 bathrooms and a landscaped garden
o Need an architect’s drawings and a garden design

In any project there is a balance between:-
o Scope ( how much will be covered by the project )
o Cost ( how much people are prepared to pay )
o Timescales ( long long it is going to take )
o Quality ( how well the project will be completed )
If one of these elements change, other elements will have to change to compensate e.g:-
o If the project needs to be completed sooner either the scope will have to be reduced or the quality will suffer or you will have to pay for more people to help complete it.
Failure to appreciate the impact of a change in one element on the other elements is a key reason why some projects fail.

Examples of Failed Projects
NASA Mars Orbiter

NHS system

NHS System Update

Failed projects

Senior Management
The senior management team of a large company is made up of a number of people, each with their own specialist jobs within the company. Some examples are:-
o Business manager
o Finance manager
o IT manager
o Service manager
Each of these will have their own perspective on the project and might be looking for outcomes that effect them is some particular way. The senior managers must take an active role in the project from the outset. Their role is to control and lead the business and they are ultimately accountable for the success and failure of the project.

Customer or Client

The customer or client is the person or company that the final product is being produced for. From the start, their ideas and perspectives are of the utmost importance. It must be clear from the start exactly what they want.

The needs of the customer must be clearly identified at the start of the project. The customer needs clear and impartial advice. Often customers have a good idea of what they want, but do not have a clear idea of what is possible within the constraints of the system. Today people expect a lot from IT systems because the power of IT is growing fast.

The customer must therefore be involved in the project from the outset and will need to be kept informed of the progress of the project. Their views will be needed at various points in the project development as well as at the end point review.

Your project will need a real client. You will need evidence of how you consulted them to identify their needs. Be realistic in what you can produce for your client. Do not aim for a system that requires skills and techniques you do not have or are not able to acquire in the time allowed for the project.

A software project can have a wide variety of users depending on the nature of the product. In the case of a small project the client and the user might be the same person. However in the case of a large company the client is the company and the users would be members of staff in that company. In the case of a public system such as an online train ticket booking system the user could be anyone. The user is often the person most affected by the end product so they need to have an input at some stage in the product.

You will need evidence that you have consulted your user at various stages in the development of your project. You must also show that you have responded to user feedback.

Project Manager

The project manager is in charge of the project with the overall responsibility to deliver the final product on time and within budget. Much of the role involves the co-ordination of the project team and being the link between the team and the client. Good communication skills combined with technical know-how are essential skills needed by project managers.

For assessment purposes, you will be playing the part of the project manager. You will be assessed on how well you planned, monitored and reviewed the project. You will need to collect evidence such as reports and presentations that you have produced. This shoudl include minutes of meetings which you take when the project board meets.

Team Members
The project team is a group of individuals with the necessary skills to implement the project, under the direction of the project manager. In your project, you will carry out most of the roles yourself.

A typical team for an IT project might include:
o A systems analyst who will work out how to use computers to carry out the desired tasks
o A senior programmer who will lead the team of programmers
o Programmers who will write the code and test the modules they have been allocated.
o Installation engineers who will be with the technical side of setting up and commissioning the new equipment.
Remember in your project you will need to play several roles. Make sure you plan your time to allow for this.

Project Proposal

Learning Objectives
o To analyse the components of a project
o To persuade others than a project should be pursued

The Task
This covers the research and project proposals for a multimedia product ( which you will produce for unit 10 ). 
You need to draw up a proposal and present it to the management group. Following the presentation you need to 
draw up a project definition that defines the scope of the project. You will agree this after the presentation. 
You must involve other people to act as stakeholders: senior manager, reviewer and customer. 

Examiners Reports

The majority of candidates produced a Project Proposal and Definition of Scope. However, it is clear that 
many candidates do not understand the difference between these documents.  It was also apparent that many had
 not produced the documents at the start of the project. Many candidates are still not including the Impact on 
Personnel and Practices, ie how  the implementation of the product may impact on existing jobs and they way
 they are carried out. Candidates are explaining risks to the product and not risks affecting the implementation and 
completion of the project. Dates were often confused with different dates being stated for the same thing, ie different 
handover dates. The dates in the Definition of Scope should have been agreed with the Client and these form the basis
 of the Project Plan. 
[June 2010]

Not all candidates are relating the risks to the implementation of the project but relating them to the product and few
 are categorising the risks.  This is required to access the higher marks band in strand b. 
  [January 2011]

What you need to do
Produce a detailed Project Proposal that must provide the following detail:

Once they have received your proposal, senior management must approve your project.  

Produce a document entitled "Definition of Scope", that includes the following detail:

The project proposal is drawn up as the result of a limited project brief from the client. This enables the ‘project 
manager’ to discuss the project requirements with the client and draw up a detailed definition of scope which
 forms the basis of the implementation of the project. 
Remember your objectives need to be SMART:-
o Specific
o Measurable
o Attainable
o Realistic
o Timely


More Resource

Goole book

Do you need guidance  to complete your Unit 8 Project Management ?CALL +94 777 33 7279 | eMail

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