Thursday, February 1, 2024

GitLab CI/CD Pipelines Jobs Runner Setup Configuration Stages Artifacts Cache Monitoring Variables and Environment

 GitLab provides a robust CI/CD (Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment) platform that allows you to create and manage pipelines for your projects. A "runner" in GitLab is an agent that runs the jobs defined in your CI/CD pipeline. Let's compare the runner jobs pipeline in GitLab and explain it in detail.

GitLab Runner:

  1. Setup:

    • GitLab Runner needs to be installed on a machine or a Kubernetes cluster to act as an agent.
    • You can register a runner for a specific project or globally for all projects in a GitLab instance.
  2. Configuration:

    • The runner configuration includes settings like the runner's URL, token, and executor (shell, docker, kubernetes, etc.).
    • Each runner can be configured with specific tags, allowing you to control which jobs they pick up.
  3. Pipeline Definition:

    • A pipeline is defined in a file called .gitlab-ci.yml within the root of your repository.
    • The pipeline consists of stages, jobs, and scripts that define what needs to be done at each stage.
  4. Stages:

    • Pipelines are divided into stages, and each stage consists of one or more jobs.
    • Common stages include build, test, deploy, etc., representing different phases of your CI/CD process.
  5. Jobs:

    • Jobs are individual tasks within a stage, and they run concurrently within that stage.
    • Jobs can be configured to run on specific runners based on tags or other criteria.
    • Each job defines a script or a set of commands to be executed.
  6. Artifacts:

    • Jobs can produce and consume artifacts, which are files or directories that are passed between jobs.
    • Artifacts allow information to be shared between different stages or jobs in the pipeline.
  7. Cache:

    • Caching is used to store dependencies or build outputs between runs to speed up the build process.
    • It is especially useful for languages or frameworks with long build times.
  8. Docker and Kubernetes:

    • GitLab Runner supports running jobs within Docker containers or on Kubernetes clusters.
    • This allows you to isolate job environments and ensures reproducibility.
  9. Variables and Environment:

    • You can define variables in the pipeline configuration for dynamic values and secrets.
    • Environments in GitLab allow you to define specific settings for different deployment environments (e.g., staging, production).
  10. CI/CD Monitoring:

    • GitLab provides a dashboard to monitor the status of your CI/CD pipelines.
    • You can view detailed logs, artifacts, and the status of each job and stage.


  • Pipeline Flow:
    1. Triggering Event:

      • A pipeline is triggered by events like code pushes, merge requests, or manual triggers.
    2. Parsing .gitlab-ci.yml:

      • GitLab parses the .gitlab-ci.yml file and constructs the pipeline based on the defined stages and jobs.
    3. Runner Assignment:

      • The GitLab Runner, based on its configuration and tags, picks up jobs that match its criteria.
    4. Job Execution:

      • Jobs in the pipeline are executed sequentially within their respective stages, with each job running in its own environment.
    5. Artifact and Cache Handling:

      • Artifacts and caches are passed between jobs to share information or speed up the build process.
    6. Environment and Variables:

      • Variables are used for dynamic values and secrets, and environments provide a way to manage different deployment settings.
    7. Monitoring and Logs:

      • GitLab's CI/CD dashboard provides real-time monitoring of the pipeline status, logs, and artifacts.
    8. Deployment (Optional):

      • If your pipeline includes a deployment stage, it may involve deploying your application to a specific environment.

By configuring runners, defining jobs and stages, and leveraging features like artifacts and caching, GitLab provides a powerful and flexible CI/CD solution to automate the software development lifecycle.

Here are the steps for upgrading a GitLab Runner on a Linux machine, including backing up the configuration:

  1. Backup Configuration: First, make a backup of the GitLab Runner configuration file. This ensures that you can revert to the previous configuration if needed.

    sudo cp /etc/gitlab-runner/config.toml /etc/gitlab-runner/config.toml.backup
  2. Stop the Runner: Before upgrading, stop the currently running GitLab Runner service.

    sudo gitlab-runner stop
  3. Download the Latest Runner Binary: Download the latest GitLab Runner binary from the official GitLab repository.

    sudo wget -O /usr/local/bin/gitlab-runner

    Replace with the appropriate URL for your system architecture.

  4. Make the Binary Executable: After downloading the binary, make it executable.

    sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/gitlab-runner
  5. Start the Runner: Start the GitLab Runner service.

    sudo gitlab-runner start
  6. Verify the Upgrade: Check if the Runner has been successfully upgraded and is running.

    sudo gitlab-runner verify
  7. Clean Up: Optionally, you can remove the old GitLab Runner binary.

    sudo rm /path/to/old/gitlab-runner

These steps ensure a smooth upgrade process for GitLab Runner on a Linux machine, including backing up the configuration file to prevent any data loss or configuration issues. Always refer to the GitLab documentation for any specific instructions or changes related to the upgrade process.

What is GitLab Remote Development ?

GitLab Remote Development is an approach that allows developers to work on their projects in a remote environment while still using their local development tools. It's an extension of the GitLab platform, enabling a seamless development experience regardless of the actual location of the development environment.

Why GitLab Remote Development?

  1. Consistency: Ensures consistency in the development environment across different machines.
  2. Collaboration: Facilitates collaboration by providing a shared environment accessible to all team members.
  3. Resource Optimization: Centralizes development resources, reducing the need for powerful local machines.
  4. Isolation: Isolates project dependencies, preventing conflicts between local development environments.

How to Set Up GitLab Remote Development:

  1. Create a Repository:

    • Start by creating a new repository on GitLab to host your project.
  2. Create a Dockerfile:

    • Develop a Dockerfile specifying the project's dependencies and environment setup.
  3. Create a .gitlab-ci.yml file:

    • Set up a CI/CD pipeline configuration file in your repository to automate the build and deployment process using Docker.
  4. Configure GitLab Runner:

    • Install and configure a GitLab Runner on your remote server or infrastructure to execute the CI/CD pipeline.
  5. Build Docker Image:

    • The CI/CD pipeline should build the Docker image using the Dockerfile and push it to the GitLab Container Registry.
  6. Set Up Remote Server:

    • Prepare a remote server where you want to host the development environment. Ensure Docker is installed.
  7. Deploy Docker Container:

    • Deploy the Docker container on the remote server using the image from the GitLab Container Registry.
  8. Expose Ports (if needed):

    • If your application requires access to specific ports, make sure to expose them on the remote server.
  9. Connect Local IDE:

    • Configure your local Integrated Development Environment (IDE) to connect to the remote server for code editing.
  10. Development Workflow:

    • Start your local development server and connect to the remote development environment. Push changes to GitLab, triggering the CI/CD pipeline to update the remote environment.

Additional Considerations:

  • Security: Ensure secure communication between your local machine and the remote server.
  • Environment Variables: Manage sensitive information like API keys and database credentials using environment variables.
  • Documentation: Maintain clear documentation on the setup process for your team.

By following these steps, you establish a GitLab Remote Development environment that enhances collaboration and ensures a consistent and efficient development experience.


Setting up GitLab Remote Development involves several steps, and while I can't provide UI navigation or real-time examples, I can certainly guide you through the process with detailed explanations and code snippets. Remember to adapt commands and settings according to your specific project requirements.

  1. Create a Repository on GitLab:

    • Visit your GitLab instance, navigate to the project list, and create a new repository.
    • Example:
  2. # Command line example git clone

Create a Dockerfile:

  • In your project, create a Dockerfile specifying the environment setup.
  • Example (Dockerfile):

# Use an official Node.js runtime as a parent image
FROM node:14

# Set the working directory
WORKDIR /usr/src/app

# Copy package.json and package-lock.json to the working directory
COPY package*.json ./

# Install app dependencies
RUN npm install

# Copy project files into the Docker image
COPY . .

# Expose the port the app runs on

# Define the command to run your app
CMD ["npm", "start"]

Create a .gitlab-ci.yml File:

  • In your project, create a .gitlab-ci.yml file for CI/CD pipeline configuration.
  • Example (.gitlab-ci.yml):
stages: - build build: image: docker:stable script: - docker build -t $CI_REGISTRY_IMAGE:$CI_COMMIT_REF_NAME . - docker push $CI_REGISTRY_IMAGE:$CI_COMMIT_REF_NAME

Configure GitLab Runner:

  • Install and configure a GitLab Runner on your remote server.
  • Register the runner with your project.
  • Example (registration command):
gitlab-runner register

  1. Build Docker Image in CI/CD Pipeline:

    • Upon pushing changes, the CI/CD pipeline should build and push the Docker image to the GitLab Container Registry.
  2. Set Up Remote Server:

    • Prepare a remote server, install Docker, and ensure it's accessible.
  3. Deploy Docker Container on Remote Server:

    • Pull the Docker image from the GitLab Container Registry and run it on your remote server.
    • Example (on the remote server):
  4. docker pull docker run -p 8080:8080 -d

Expose Ports (if needed):

  • If your application uses specific ports, ensure they are open on the remote server.
  • Example (firewall-cmd command):

firewall-cmd --zone=public --add-port=8080/tcp --permanent firewall-cmd --reload

  1. Connect Local IDE:

    • Configure your local IDE (like Visual Studio Code) to connect to the remote server for code editing.
  2. Development Workflow:

    • Start your local development server and connect to the remote development environment. Push changes to GitLab to trigger the CI/CD pipeline and update the remote environment.

Remember to adapt these examples based on your specific project structure, dependencies, and requirements. Always refer to the latest GitLab and Docker documentation for any changes or updates.


What is GitLab Pipeline Job Failure, Trableshoot ?

To redirect Python output to a job.log file in GitLab CI, you can use the following syntax in your .gitlab-ci.yml file:

stages: - build job_name: stage: build script: - python > job.log 2>&1 artifacts: paths: - job.log


  • > redirects standard output to a file (job.log in this case).
  • 2>&1 redirects standard error to the same location as standard output.

Make sure to replace with the actual name of your Python script. After the job runs, the job.log file will be saved as an artifact and can be downloaded from the GitLab CI/CD pipeline page.

Note: This assumes you have a basic GitLab CI configuration. Adjust the stages and job names as needed for your specific setup.


Troubleshooting GitLab pipeline job errors can involve several steps to identify and resolve issues. Here's a guide to help you troubleshoot common problems:

  1. Review the Job Output:

    • Examine the output of the job by going to your GitLab project, navigating to "CI/CD > Pipelines," and clicking on the specific pipeline run. Look for error messages or warnings in the job's console output.
  2. Check Pipeline Configuration (.gitlab-ci.yml):

    • Ensure your .gitlab-ci.yml file is correctly configured. Check for syntax errors, indentation, and correct keywords. You can use GitLab CI lint tools or online YAML validators to verify the syntax.
  3. Verify Runner Configuration:

    • Confirm that your GitLab Runner is properly registered and configured on the runner's host machine. Ensure that the runner has the necessary permissions and access to the resources required by your job.
  4. Review Dependencies and Artifacts:

    • If your job depends on previous jobs or relies on artifacts, ensure that those dependencies are correctly specified and produced. Artifacts should be archived in previous jobs and downloaded in subsequent jobs as needed.
  5. Check Environment Variables:

    • Verify that any environment variables used in your job are correctly defined and accessible. Ensure that sensitive information like API keys or passwords is securely handled, and use GitLab CI/CD variables for secret values.
  6. Debugging with script or before_script Section:

    • Add debug statements or extra logging in the script or before_script sections of your job to output relevant information during the job execution. This can help pinpoint where the issue is occurring
job_name: script: - echo "Debug information" - # rest of your script

  1. Run the Job Locally:

    • Install GitLab Runner on your local machine and try running the job locally. This can help identify issues specific to the runner environment or dependencies.
  2. Use GitLab CI/CD Debug Mode:

    • Enable GitLab CI/CD Debug Mode to get more detailed information about the pipeline execution. This can be done by adding debug: true to your .gitlab-ci.yml file:
stages: - build job_name: script: - # your script debug: true

  1. Check External Service Integration:

    • If your job interacts with external services or APIs, verify that the credentials and configurations are accurate. Test the integration outside of GitLab to ensure the service is accessible.
  2. Check GitLab Status:

    • Occasionally, GitLab may experience issues that can affect CI/CD pipelines. Check the GitLab Status Page to see if there are any ongoing incidents.

By following these steps and paying attention to the details in your GitLab CI/CD setup, you can often identify and resolve issues causing pipeline job errors. If specific error messages or problems persist, consider reaching out to the GitLab community or support for further assistance.

Ex1 ========my FT working=====================

Simple Python code along with a basic GitLab CI/CD configuration file for building, testing, deploying, and testing the deployed application

  1. Python code (
def add(x, y): return x + y def subtract(x, y): return x - y if __name__ == "__main__": print(add(5, 3)) print(subtract(5, 3))
  1. GitLab CI/CD configuration file (.gitlab-ci.yml):
  - build
  - test
  - deploy
  - deploy_test

  stage: build
    - echo "Building the application..."
    # Add any build commands here, e.g., pip install -r requirements.txt

  stage: test
    - echo "Running tests..."
    - apt-get update && apt-get install -y python3
    - python3 -m unittest discover
    - python3

  stage: deploy
    - echo "Deploying the application..."
    # Add any deployment commands here, e.g., scp user@server:/path/to/deployment

  stage: deploy_test
    - echo "Testing the deployed application..."
    # Add any deployment testing commands here, e.g., curl http://deployed-app-url


In this setup:

  • The contains a simple Python code with two functions (add and subtract).
  • The .gitlab-ci.yml defines stages (build, test, deploy, deploy_test) for the CI/CD pipeline.
  • Each stage has a script to execute tasks related to that stage:
    • build stage builds the application.
    • test stage runs tests on the application.
    • deploy stage deploys the application (you'll need to replace the placeholder with actual deployment commands).
    • deploy_test stage tests the deployed application (you'll need to replace the placeholder with actual deployment testing commands).

Remember to adjust the deployment and testing commands according to your specific deployment environment and testing needs.

Ex 2 -------- FT With input variables------- script to accept user input for the values of x and y. Here's the modified

import sys

def add(x, y):
    return x + y

def subtract(x, y):
    return x - y

if __name__ == "__main__":
    if len(sys.argv) != 3:
        print("Usage: python3 <x> <y>")

    x = int(sys.argv[1])
    y = int(sys.argv[2])

    print(f"Result of adding: {add(x, y)}")
    print(f"Result of subtracting: {subtract(x, y)}")

Now, users will be prompted to enter the values of x and y, and the results of adding and subtracting these values will be printed.

Here's the updated .gitlab-ci.yml file:

  - build
  - test
  - deploy
  - deploy_test

  stage: build
    - echo "Building the application..."
    # Add any build commands here, e.g., pip install -r requirements.txt

  stage: test
    - echo "Running the application..."
    - apt-get update && apt-get install -y python3
    - python3 5 3  # Example: Passing values of x and y as arguments

  stage: deploy
    - echo "Deploying the application..."
    # Add any deployment commands here, e.g., scp user@server:/path/to/deployment

  stage: deploy_test
    - echo "Testing the deployed application..."
    # Add any deployment testing commands here, e.g., curl http://deployed-app-url

With these modifications, the script will now prompt the user to enter the values of x and y, and the CI/CD pipeline will execute this modified script accordingly. Adjust the pipeline as necessary for your specific deployment needs.

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