Friday, June 7, 2024

Software Requirements Specification (SRS) for the University Student Course Management System different user types, including Admin, Learners/Students, Coordinators, Lecturers, Faculty Head, and University Head

Software Requirements Specification (SRS)

1. Introduction

1.1 Purpose

The purpose of this Software Requirements Specification (SRS) document is to provide a detailed description of the requirements for the Student Management and Course Tracking System. It covers the functionality, constraints, and system interfaces necessary to support the operations of different user types, including Admin, Learners/Students, Coordinators, Lecturers, Faculty Head, and University Head.

1.2 Scope

The Student Management and Course Tracking System is designed to manage student information, course details, content delivery, assessments, and user communication within a university environment. The system supports automated course suggestions, enrollment management, performance tracking, and personalized learning experiences.

1.3 Definitions, Acronyms, and Abbreviations

  • SRS: Software Requirements Specification
  • LMS: Learning Management System
  • AI: Artificial Intelligence
  • FAQ: Frequently Asked Questions
  • SSO: Single Sign-On
  • MFA: Multi-Factor Authentication

1.4 References

  • IEEE Standard for Software Requirements Specifications
  • University policies and procedures
  • User manuals of existing systems

2. Overall Description

2.1 Product Perspective

The system will be a web-based application that integrates with existing university infrastructure and databases. It will support multiple user types and roles, providing customized interfaces and functionalities according to the role.

2.2 Product Functions

  • User Registration and Management
  • Course Management
  • Content Management
  • Enrollment Management
  • Assessment and Evaluation
  • Communication and Collaboration
  • Feedback and Reporting
  • Tracking and Monitoring
  • Personalization
  • Library Access

2.3 User Classes and Characteristics

  • Admin: Manages users, courses, content, enrollments, assessments, and system settings.
  • Learners/Students: Accesses courses, learning materials, assessments, and personalized recommendations.
  • Coordinator: Manages course details, content, enrollments, and student performance tracking.
  • Lecturer: Creates and manages course content, assessments, and student feedback.
  • Faculty Head: Oversees courses and content, manages faculty performance, and generates reports.
  • University Head: Monitors overall system performance, user activities, and generates high-level reports.

2.4 Operating Environment

  • Web-based interface accessible via modern web browsers (Chrome, Firefox, Edge, Safari)
  • Server-side components running on a Linux/Windows server with a database (e.g., MySQL, PostgreSQL)

2.5 Design and Implementation Constraints

  • Compliance with university data security and privacy policies
  • Support for SSO and MFA
  • Scalability to handle large numbers of users and data volume

2.6 Assumptions and Dependencies

  • Users have internet access and modern web browsers.
  • University IT infrastructure supports integration with the new system.
  • Availability of subject matter experts for system testing and validation.

3. Specific Requirements

3.1 Functional Requirements

3.1.1 User Registration and User Management
  • Admin Registration: Admin can create, edit, view, and delete user accounts.
  • Student Registration: Students can register and create accounts with basic personal information.
  • Role Assignment: Admin assigns roles (Student, Coordinator, Lecturer, Faculty Head, University Head) to users.
3.1.2 Course Management
  • Course Creation: Admin, Coordinators, and Lecturers can create new courses, define course structures, and set enrollment parameters.
  • Course Update: Ability to update course details and content.
  • Course Deletion: Ability to delete courses no longer needed.
  • View Courses: Users can view course details and enrolled courses.
3.1.3 Content Management
  • Upload Content: Lecturers, Coordinators, and Admin can upload documents, presentations, videos, audio files, and links to external resources.
  • Organize Content: Ability to organize content into modules, lessons, and units.
  • View Content: Students can view and download course materials.
3.1.4 Enrollment Management
  • View Enrollments: Admin and Coordinators can view enrollment lists.
  • Approve/Reject Enrollments: Admin and Coordinators can approve or reject enrollment requests.
  • Enrollment Settings: Define and manage enrollment rules and parameters.
3.1.5 Assessment and Evaluation
  • Create Assessment: Lecturers and Coordinators can create quizzes, tests, surveys, assignments, and peer reviews.
  • View Assessments: Students can view and take assessments.
  • Grade Assessments: Automated grading for objective questions; manual grading for subjective questions.
  • Feedback: Provide feedback on assessments.
3.1.6 Communication and Collaboration
  • Discussion Forums: Users can participate in course-specific discussion forums.
  • Messaging: Internal messaging system for direct communication between users.
  • Announcements: Lecturers and Coordinators can post announcements for students.
3.1.7 Feedback and Reporting
  • Submit Feedback: Students can submit feedback on courses and instructors.
  • View Feedback: Admin, Coordinators, and Lecturers can view and respond to feedback.
  • Generate Reports: Ability to generate various reports (user reports, course reports, assessment reports, enrollment reports).
3.1.8 Tracking and Monitoring
  • Track Engagement: Monitor student engagement, participation, and progress within courses.
  • Generate Insights: Provide insights and analytics on course effectiveness and student performance.
3.1.9 Personalization
  • Profile Management: Students can view and edit their profiles.
  • Course Recommendations: AI-based recommendations for courses based on student profiles.
  • Certificates and Results: Generate and view certificates and academic results.
3.1.10 Library Access
  • Search Library: Students can search for digital library resources.
  • View/Download Resources: Access and download library resources.

3.2 Non-Functional Requirements

3.2.1 Performance Requirements
  • The system should handle up to 10,000 concurrent users without performance degradation.
  • Page load times should not exceed 2 seconds under normal load conditions.
3.2.2 Security Requirements
  • Data encryption for sensitive information.
  • Implementation of SSO and MFA.
  • Regular security audits and vulnerability assessments.
3.2.3 Usability Requirements
  • Intuitive and user-friendly interface for all user types.
  • Comprehensive user guides and help documentation.
3.2.4 Reliability Requirements
  • System uptime of 99.9%.
  • Backup and disaster recovery mechanisms in place.
3.2.5 Scalability Requirements
  • The system should be scalable to accommodate future growth in the number of users and data volume.

3.3 Interface Requirements

3.3.1 User Interfaces
  • Web-based graphical user interface (GUI) accessible via standard web browsers.
3.3.2 Hardware Interfaces
  • Integration with university servers and network infrastructure.
3.3.3 Software Interfaces
  • Integration with existing university systems (e.g., student information systems, library systems).
  • APIs for AI-based course recommendations.
3.3.4 Communication Interfaces
  • Support for HTTP/HTTPS protocols for web communication.

4. Appendices

4.1 Glossary

  • Admin: System administrator with the highest level of access and control over the system.
  • Learner/Student: User enrolled in courses, accessing learning materials and assessments.
  • Coordinator: User responsible for managing courses and monitoring student progress.
  • Lecturer: User responsible for delivering course content and assessments.
  • Faculty Head: User overseeing faculty operations and performance.
  • University Head: User overseeing overall university operations and performance.

4.2 References

  • University policies and procedures documentation.
  • User manuals of existing systems for reference.

4.3 Index

  • User Management: Section 3.1.1
  • Course Management: Section 3.1.2
  • Content Management: Section 3.1.3
  • Enrollment Management: Section 3.1.4
  • Assessment and Evaluation: Section 3.1.5
  • Communication and Collaboration: Section 3.1.6
  • Feedback and Reporting: Section 3.1.7
  • Tracking and Monitoring: Section 3.1.8
  • Personalization: Section 3.1.9
  • Library Access: Section 3.1.10

This SRS document provides a comprehensive outline of the requirements for the Student Management and Course Tracking System, ensuring that all functionalities and constraints are well-documented and clearly understood by all stakeholders.


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Mind Map Outline


  • Admin
  • Learners / Students
  • Coordinator
  • Lecturer
  • Faculty Head
  • University Head

Universities Details Management

  • Search Course Details
    • AI-based course suggestions (Future Enhancement)
  • Request further Course Details / FAQ
  • Submit Course Enrollment Form
  • Enrollment Exam Management

User Registration and User Management

  • Registration for Learners, Coordinator, Lecturer, Faculty Head, University Head
  • Admin manages all user registration permissions

Course Management

  • Create, organize, manage courses
    • Define course structure
    • Enrollment parameters
    • Manage user roles
    • Schedule course activities
  • Stakeholders: Lecturer, Admin, Coordinators

Content Management

  • Upload, organize, deliver learning materials
    • Documents, presentations, videos, audio, Zoom sessions
  • Stakeholders: Lecturer, Coordinators, Admin

Additional Learning Material

  • Training and documentation for AI-based LMS features
  • Resources and tutorials
  • Monitoring and tracking weak students
  • Suggest additional learning material
  • Assessments, quizzes, and tests

Assessment and Evaluation

  • Create, deliver, grade assessments
    • Quizzes, tests, surveys, assignments, peer reviews
  • Grading criteria, feedback, progress tracking
  • Stakeholders: Learners, Coordinator

Communication and Collaboration

  • Tools for communication and collaboration
    • Discussion forums, messaging systems, chat rooms
  • Stakeholders: Learners, Coordinators, Instructors

Feedback and Reporting

  • Provide feedback and generate reports
    • Automated notifications, grading rubrics, comment tools
  • Stakeholders: Coordinator, Admin, Faculty Head, University Head, Learners

New Tool

  • Introduction to industrial tools
  • Learning material for new tools


  • Access to the digital library for students
  • Opposition to course page (icon)

Tracking and Monitoring

  • Track and monitor learner engagement, participation, progress
    • Logins, course views, content access, quiz attempts, completion status, time spent
  • Data for assessing instructional materials and activities
  • Stakeholders: Coordinators, Admin


  • Personal interface for learners
  • Generate certificates online
  • Semester results and eligibility for diploma, high diploma, degree levels
  • Reduce paperwork for coordinators and admin
  • Additional learning material suggestions
  • Stakeholders: Learners, Coordinator, Admin

User Registration

  • Support user registration, login, authentication
    • Integration with SSO, MFA
  • Define roles and assign permissions

Course Management

  • Create, organize, update courses
    • Start and end dates, syllabi, course settings
  • Predefined course templates
  • Manage student enrollments

Content Management

  • Upload and deliver content types
    • Videos, audio files, documents, interactive media
  • Organize content into modules, lessons, units

Additional Learning Material

  • Centralized resource library
    • Readings, practice exercises, external links, multimedia
  • Categorize materials by subject

Assessment & Evaluation

  • Create/administer quizzes, exams, assessments
    • Various question types
  • Automatic grading and feedback
  • Gradebook management
  • Student grade tracking

Communication & Collaboration

  • Discussion forums, internal messaging system
  • Notifications, alerts, announcements

Feedback & Reporting

  • Instant feedback, personalized feedback tools
  • Peer review support
  • Student performance reports
  • Attendance and participation tracking
  • Customizable reports

Tracking & Monitoring

  • Dashboards for student progress, assignments, grades
  • Analytics and reports for instructors, coordinators
  • System usage reports for administrators

Visual Mind Map

Here’s how you can visualize this mind map:

  1. Central Node: "Student Management and Course Tracking System"
    • Sub-nodes:
      • Users
        • Admin
        • Learners / Students
        • Coordinator
        • Lecturer
        • Faculty Head
        • University Head
      • Universities Details Management
        • Search Course Details
          • AI-based course suggestions
        • Request further Course Details / FAQ
        • Submit Course Enrollment Form
        • Enrollment Exam Management
      • User Registration and User Management
        • Registration
        • Admin manages permissions
      • Course Management
        • Create, organize, manage courses
        • Define structure, parameters, user roles, schedule activities
      • Content Management
        • Upload, organize, deliver materials
      • Additional Learning Material
        • Training, documentation, resources, monitoring weak students
      • Assessment and Evaluation
        • Create, deliver, grade assessments
      • Communication and Collaboration
        • Tools for communication, collaboration
      • Feedback and Reporting
        • Feedback, generate reports
      • New Tool
        • Introduction, learning material
      • Library
        • Digital library access
      • Tracking and Monitoring
        • Track engagement, participation, progress
      • Personalization
        • Personal interface, certificates, results, reduce paperwork
      • User Registration
        • Registration, login, authentication, roles, permissions
      • Course Management
        • Create, update courses, manage enrollments
      • Content Management
        • Upload, deliver content, organize materials
      • Additional Learning Material
        • Centralized resource library, categorize by subject
      • Assessment & Evaluation
        • Create/administer assessments, automatic grading, feedback
      • Communication & Collaboration
        • Discussion forums, messaging, announcements
      • Feedback & Reporting
        • Instant feedback, personalized feedback, performance reports
      • Tracking & Monitoring
        • Dashboards, analytics, system usage reports

This mind map can be created using mind mapping tools such as MindMeister, XMind, or any other tool that allows hierarchical visual representation.


Creating flowcharts for each scenario involves mapping out the steps and decision points involved in each process. Below are detailed flowcharts for key scenarios.

1. User Registration and User Management


Start | v User Accesses Registration Page | v Is User a Student? / \ Yes No | | v v Student Fills Registration Form Admin Assigns Credentials | | v v Submit Form End | v Admin Approves Registration | v Student Account Created | v End

2. Course Management


Start | v Coordinator/Lecturer/Admin Accesses Course Management | v Create New Course or Update Existing Course? / \ New Update | | v v Enter Course Details Select Course to Update | | v v Define Structure, Enrollment, User Roles Modify Course Details | | v v Save Course | v Schedule Activities | v End

3. Content Management


Start | v Lecturer/Coordinator/Admin Accesses Content Management | v Upload New Content or Organize Existing Content? / \ New Organize | | v v Upload Files Select Content to Organize | | v v Tag and Describe Content Arrange into Modules, Lessons, Units | | v v Save Content Organization | v End

4. Additional Learning Material


Start | v Coordinator/Lecturer Monitors Student Performance | v Identify Weak Students | v Suggest Additional Learning Materials | v Track Student Progress | v End

5. Assessment and Evaluation


Start | v Coordinator/Lecturer Creates Assessment | v Define Assessment Type (Quiz, Test, Assignment) | v Set Questions and Grading Criteria | v Publish Assessment | v Students Take Assessment | v Automatically Grade or Manual Grading? / \ Auto Manual | | v v System Grades Lecturer Grades | | v v Record Grades | v Provide Feedback | v End

6. Communication and Collaboration


Start | v User Accesses Communication Tools | v Select Tool (Forum, Messaging, Chat) | v Post Message or Respond to Existing Message | v Receive Notifications | v End

7. Feedback and Reporting


Start | v Student/Coordinator/Admin Accesses Feedback/Reporting | v Submit Feedback or Generate Report? / \ Feedback Report | | v v Enter Feedback Select Report Criteria | | v v Submit Feedback Generate Report | v Receive Feedback Notification | v End

8. Tracking and Monitoring


Start | v Coordinator/Admin Accesses Tracking Tools | v Select Tracking Criteria (Logins, Course Views, etc.) | v Analyze Data | v Generate Insights/Reports | v End

9. Personalization


Start | v Student Accesses Personalization Settings | v Update Personal Information or View Results/Certificates? / \ Update View | | v v Modify Personal Data View Certificates/Results | | v v Save Changes | v End

10. Library Access


Start | v Student Accesses Digital Library | v Search for Resources | v View/Download Resource | v End

These flowcharts provide a clear step-by-step visual representation of each process within the student management and course tracking system. You can use flowchart tools like Lucidchart, Microsoft Visio, or to create these diagrams visually.


Creating a detailed menu and submenu structure for each user type in the web-based student management and course tracking system involves outlining the primary navigation options and their associated sub-options. Below is a mind map representation for each user type: Admin, Learners/Students, Coordinators, Lecturers, Faculty Head, and University Head.

Admin Menu and Submenu Mind Map

Admin ├── Dashboard ├── User Management │ ├── Register User │ ├── View Users │ ├── Edit User │ └── Delete User ├── Course Management │ ├── Create Course │ ├── Edit Course │ ├── View Courses │ └── Delete Course ├── Content Management │ ├── Upload Content │ ├── Organize Content │ ├── View Content │ └── Delete Content ├── Enrollment Management │ ├── View Enrollments │ ├── Approve/Reject Enrollments │ ├── Enrollment Settings ├── Assessment Management │ ├── Create Assessment │ ├── View Assessments │ ├── Grade Assessments ├── Reports │ ├── User Reports │ ├── Course Reports │ ├── Assessment Reports │ └── Enrollment Reports ├── Feedback │ ├── View Feedback │ └── Respond to Feedback └── System Settings ├── General Settings ├── Security Settings └── Notification Settings

Learners/Students Menu and Submenu Mind Map

Learners/Students ├── Dashboard ├── Profile │ ├── View Profile │ ├── Edit Profile │ ├── Change Password ├── Courses │ ├── Search Courses │ ├── My Courses │ │ ├── View Course │ │ ├── Enroll in Course │ │ └── Drop Course │ └── Recommended Courses ├── Learning Materials │ ├── View Materials │ ├── Download Materials ├── Assessments │ ├── Take Assessment │ ├── View Results ├── Communication │ ├── Discussion Forums │ ├── Messages │ ├── Announcements ├── Library │ ├── Search Library │ ├── My Library Resources ├── Reports │ ├── View Grades │ ├── Progress Reports ├── Feedback │ ├── Submit Feedback │ └── View Feedback └── Help ├── FAQs ├── Contact Support

Coordinator Menu and Submenu Mind Map

Coordinator ├── Dashboard ├── User Management │ ├── View Students │ ├── View Lecturers │ ├── Assign Roles ├── Course Management │ ├── Create Course │ ├── Edit Course │ ├── View Courses │ └── Delete Course ├── Content Management │ ├── Upload Content │ ├── Organize Content │ ├── View Content │ └── Delete Content ├── Enrollment Management │ ├── View Enrollments │ ├── Approve/Reject Enrollments │ ├── Enrollment Settings ├── Assessment Management │ ├── Create Assessment │ ├── View Assessments │ ├── Grade Assessments ├── Reports │ ├── Student Reports │ ├── Course Reports │ ├── Assessment Reports │ └── Enrollment Reports ├── Feedback │ ├── View Feedback │ └── Respond to Feedback ├── Communication │ ├── Discussion Forums │ ├── Messages │ ├── Announcements ├── Tracking & Monitoring │ ├── Student Progress │ ├── Course Engagement └── Help ├── FAQs ├── Contact Support

Lecturer Menu and Submenu Mind Map

Lecturer ├── Dashboard ├── Profile │ ├── View Profile │ ├── Edit Profile │ ├── Change Password ├── Courses │ ├── My Courses │ │ ├── View Course │ │ ├── Edit Course │ │ ├── Manage Enrollments │ └── Create New Course ├── Content Management │ ├── Upload Content │ ├── Organize Content │ ├── View Content ├── Assessments │ ├── Create Assessment │ ├── Grade Assessments │ ├── View Assessments ├── Reports │ ├── Student Performance │ ├── Course Reports ├── Communication │ ├── Discussion Forums │ ├── Messages │ ├── Announcements ├── Feedback │ ├── View Feedback │ └── Respond to Feedback ├── Library │ ├── Search Library │ ├── My Library Resources ├── Tracking & Monitoring │ ├── Student Progress │ ├── Course Engagement └── Help ├── FAQs ├── Contact Support

Faculty Head Menu and Submenu Mind Map

Faculty Head ├── Dashboard ├── User Management │ ├── View Lecturers │ ├── View Coordinators │ ├── Assign Roles ├── Course Management │ ├── Approve Courses │ ├── View Courses ├── Content Management │ ├── View Content ├── Enrollment Management │ ├── View Enrollments ├── Assessment Management │ ├── View Assessments ├── Reports │ ├── Faculty Reports │ ├── Course Reports │ ├── Enrollment Reports ├── Feedback │ ├── View Feedback │ └── Respond to Feedback ├── Communication │ ├── Discussion Forums │ ├── Messages │ ├── Announcements ├── Tracking & Monitoring │ ├── Faculty Performance │ ├── Course Engagement └── Help ├── FAQs ├── Contact Support

University Head Menu and Submenu Mind Map

University Head ├── Dashboard ├── User Management │ ├── View Faculty Heads │ ├── View Coordinators │ ├── View Lecturers ├── Course Management │ ├── Approve Courses │ ├── View Courses ├── Content Management │ ├── View Content ├── Enrollment Management │ ├── View Enrollments ├── Assessment Management │ ├── View Assessments ├── Reports │ ├── University Reports │ ├── Faculty Reports │ ├── Course Reports │ ├── Enrollment Reports ├── Feedback │ ├── View Feedback │ └── Respond to Feedback ├── Communication │ ├── Discussion Forums │ ├── Messages │ ├── Announcements ├── Tracking & Monitoring │ ├── University Performance │ ├── Course Engagement └── Help ├── FAQs ├── Contact Support

Mind Map Visual Representation

You can visualize these menu and submenu structures using mind mapping tools such as MindMeister, XMind, or Here’s an example representation for the Admin user:

Admin ├── Dashboard ├── User Management │ ├── Register User │ ├── View Users │ ├── Edit User │ └── Delete User ├── Course Management │ ├── Create Course │ ├── Edit Course │ ├── View Courses │ └── Delete Course ├── Content Management │ ├── Upload Content │ ├── Organize Content │ ├── View Content │ └── Delete Content ├── Enrollment Management │ ├── View Enrollments │ ├── Approve/Reject Enrollments │ ├── Enrollment Settings ├── Assessment Management │ ├── Create Assessment │ ├── View Assessments │ ├── Grade Assessments ├── Reports │ ├── User Reports │ ├── Course Reports │ ├── Assessment Reports │ └── Enrollment Reports ├── Feedback │ ├── View Feedback │ └── Respond to Feedback └── System Settings ├── General Settings ├── Security Settings └── Notification Settings

Each user type will have a similar hierarchical structure, reflecting the functionalities they have access to within the system.


Below is a textual description of the use case diagram for the Student Management and Course Tracking System. Given the extensive functionality described in the SRS, I will provide a simplified version focusing on the main use cases for each user type.

Use Case Diagram Description


  1. Admin
  2. Learners/Students
  3. Coordinator
  4. Lecturer
  5. Faculty Head
  6. University Head

Use Cases

  1. User Registration and Management

    • Register User (Admin)
    • Assign Roles (Admin)
    • Manage User Profiles (Admin, Students)
  2. Course Management

    • Create Course (Admin, Coordinator, Lecturer)
    • Edit Course (Admin, Coordinator, Lecturer)
    • View Courses (All)
    • Delete Course (Admin, Coordinator, Lecturer)
  3. Content Management

    • Upload Content (Admin, Coordinator, Lecturer)
    • Organize Content (Admin, Coordinator, Lecturer)
    • View Content (All)
    • Delete Content (Admin, Coordinator, Lecturer)
  4. Enrollment Management

    • View Enrollments (Admin, Coordinator)
    • Approve/Reject Enrollments (Admin, Coordinator)
    • Manage Enrollment Settings (Admin, Coordinator)
  5. Assessment and Evaluation

    • Create Assessment (Coordinator, Lecturer)
    • View Assessments (All)
    • Grade Assessments (Coordinator, Lecturer)
    • Provide Feedback (Coordinator, Lecturer)
  6. Communication and Collaboration

    • Participate in Discussion Forums (All)
    • Send Messages (All)
    • Post Announcements (Coordinator, Lecturer)
  7. Feedback and Reporting

    • Submit Feedback (Students)
    • View Feedback (Admin, Coordinator, Lecturer, Faculty Head)
    • Generate Reports (Admin, Coordinator, Faculty Head, University Head)
  8. Tracking and Monitoring

    • Track Student Progress (Admin, Coordinator, Lecturer)
    • View Analytics (Admin, Coordinator, Faculty Head, University Head)
    • Generate Insights (Admin, Coordinator, Faculty Head, University Head)
  9. Personalization

    • Manage Profile (Students)
    • Receive Course Recommendations (Students)
    • View Certificates and Results (Students)
  10. Library Access

    • Search Library (Students)
    • View/Download Resources (Students)

Use Case Diagram

Here's a simplified visual representation of the use case diagram:

+-------------------------------------+ | University Head | +----------------+--------------------+ | View Reports | +-----------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ | | | | | | | | +-------------------+--------------------+ +----------------+--------------------+ | Faculty Head | | Admin | +-------------------+--------------------+ +---------------------------------------+ | View Reports | Manage Users | View Feedback | Manage Courses | View Analytics | Manage Content | | Manage Enrollments | | Generate Reports +---------------------------------------+ | Manage System Settings | | +----------------------------+ | | +---------------------------------------+ +----------------------------+ | | | | | | +---------------------------------------+ +----------------------------+ | Coordinator | | Lecturer | +---------------------------------------+ +----------------------------+ | Manage Courses | Create Courses | Upload Content | | Manage Content | Organize Content | Organize Content | | Manage Enrollments | Approve/Reject Enrollments | Create Assessments | | Track Student Progress | Provide Feedback | Grade Assessments | | Generate Reports | View Feedback | View Feedback | | View Analytics | Generate Insights | Post Announcements | | Post Announcements | +----------------+------------------------+ | Communicate | View Assessments | | +-----------------------------------+ | +----------------+----------------------+ | | | +---------------------------------------+ | Learner/Student | +---------------------------------------+ | Register and Manage Profile | | View Courses | | View Content | | Submit Enrollment Request | | View Assessments | | Participate in Discussions | | Send Messages | | Submit Feedback | | Track Progress | | Receive Recommendations | | View Certificates and Results | | Access Library | +---------------------------------------+


  1. University Head: Views high-level reports and analytics.
  2. Faculty Head: Views reports, feedback, and analytics.
  3. Admin: Manages users, courses, content, enrollments, reports, and system settings.
  4. Coordinator: Manages courses, content, enrollments, student progress, feedback, announcements, and reports.
  5. Lecturer: Uploads and organizes content, creates and grades assessments, provides feedback, and posts announcements.
  6. Learner/Student: Registers and manages profile, views courses and content, submits enrollments, participates in discussions, sends messages, submits feedback, tracks progress, receives recommendations, and accesses the library.

This simplified use case diagram captures the primary interactions and functionalities for each user type within the system.


Below is the detailed description of an ER diagram for the Student Management and Course Tracking System, based on the given requirements. The ER diagram outlines the main entities and relationships.

Entities and Attributes

  1. User

    • UserID (PK)
    • Username
    • Password
    • Email
    • Role (Admin, Student, Coordinator, Lecturer, Faculty Head, University Head)
    • Profile Details (Name, Address, Phone Number, etc.)
  2. Course

    • CourseID (PK)
    • CourseName
    • CourseDescription
    • StartDate
    • EndDate
    • CoordinatorID (FK to User)
  3. Enrollment

    • EnrollmentID (PK)
    • StudentID (FK to User)
    • CourseID (FK to Course)
    • EnrollmentDate
    • Status (Approved, Rejected, Pending)
  4. Content

    • ContentID (PK)
    • CourseID (FK to Course)
    • ContentType (Document, Presentation, Video, Audio, Link)
    • ContentTitle
    • ContentPath
    • UploadDate
  5. Assessment

    • AssessmentID (PK)
    • CourseID (FK to Course)
    • AssessmentType (Quiz, Test, Assignment, Survey, Peer Review)
    • Title
    • Description
    • MaxScore
    • DueDate
  6. Submission

    • SubmissionID (PK)
    • AssessmentID (FK to Assessment)
    • StudentID (FK to User)
    • SubmissionDate
    • Grade
    • Feedback
  7. Feedback

    • FeedbackID (PK)
    • CourseID (FK to Course)
    • StudentID (FK to User)
    • FeedbackText
    • FeedbackDate
  8. Report

    • ReportID (PK)
    • UserID (FK to User)
    • ReportType (User, Course, Assessment, Enrollment)
    • ReportContent
    • GeneratedDate
  9. Message

    • MessageID (PK)
    • SenderID (FK to User)
    • ReceiverID (FK to User)
    • MessageContent
    • SentDate
  10. DiscussionForum

    • ForumID (PK)
    • CourseID (FK to Course)
    • Title
    • CreatedDate
  11. Post

    • PostID (PK)
    • ForumID (FK to DiscussionForum)
    • UserID (FK to User)
    • PostContent
    • PostDate
  12. LibraryResource

    • ResourceID (PK)
    • Title
    • ResourceType (Document, Video, Link)
    • ResourcePath
    • UploadDate

ER Diagram

Here is the textual representation of the ER diagram:

+----------------+ +-----------------+ +----------------+ +----------------+ +-------------------+ | User | | Course | | Enrollment | | Content | | Assessment | +----------------+ +-----------------+ +----------------+ +----------------+ +-------------------+ | UserID (PK) |<---+---| CourseID (PK) |<---+---| EnrollmentID (PK) |<--+--| ContentID (PK)|<--+---| AssessmentID (PK) | | Username | | | CourseName | | | StudentID (FK) | | | CourseID (FK) | | | CourseID (FK) | | Password | | | CourseDesc | | | CourseID (FK) | | | ContentType | | | AssessmentType | | Email | | | StartDate | | | EnrollmentDate | | | ContentTitle | | | Title | | Role | | | EndDate | | | Status | | | ContentPath | | | Description | | ProfileDetails | | | CoordinatorID (FK)| | | | | UploadDate | | | MaxScore | +----------------+ | +-----------------+ | +----------------+ | +----------------+ | | DueDate | | | | | +-------------------+ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | +---------------------------+ +----------------------+ +-----------------+ +------------------+ +-----------------+ +-----------------+ +-------------------+ | Submission | | Feedback | | Report | | Message | | DiscussionForum | +-----------------+ +------------------+ +-----------------+ +-----------------+ +-------------------+ | SubmissionID (PK)|<--+---| FeedbackID (PK) |<--+---| ReportID (PK) |<--+---| MessageID (PK) |<--+---| ForumID (PK) | | AssessmentID (FK)| | | CourseID (FK) | | | UserID (FK) | | | SenderID (FK) | | | CourseID (FK) | | StudentID (FK) | | | StudentID (FK) | | | ReportType | | | ReceiverID (FK) | | | Title | | SubmissionDate | | | FeedbackText | | | ReportContent | | | MessageContent | | | CreatedDate | | Grade | | | FeedbackDate | | | GeneratedDate | | | SentDate | | +-------------------+ | Feedback | | +------------------+ | +-----------------+ | +-----------------+ | +-----------------+ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | +--------------------------+ +-------------------------+ +----------------+ +------------------+ | Post | | LibraryResource | +----------------+ +------------------+ | PostID (PK) |<--+---| ResourceID (PK) | | ForumID (FK) | | | Title | | UserID (FK) | | | ResourceType | | PostContent | | | ResourcePath | | PostDate | | | UploadDate | +----------------+ | +------------------+ | | | | +----------------------+


  1. User

    • Primary key: UserID
    • Attributes: Username, Password, Email, Role, ProfileDetails
    • Relationships: Users can have multiple roles, and each user interacts with courses, enrollments, assessments, messages, and posts.
  2. Course

    • Primary key: CourseID
    • Attributes: CourseName, CourseDescription, StartDate, EndDate, CoordinatorID
    • Relationships: A course is managed by a coordinator and contains content, assessments, and enrollments.
  3. Enrollment

    • Primary key: EnrollmentID
    • Attributes: EnrollmentDate, Status
    • Relationships: Each enrollment associates a student with a course.
  4. Content

    • Primary key: ContentID
    • Attributes: ContentType, ContentTitle, ContentPath, UploadDate
    • Relationships: Content is associated with a course.
  5. Assessment

    • Primary key: AssessmentID
    • Attributes: AssessmentType, Title, Description, MaxScore, DueDate
    • Relationships: Assessments are linked to courses and submissions.
  6. Submission

    • Primary key: SubmissionID
    • Attributes: SubmissionDate, Grade, Feedback
    • Relationships: Submissions are associated with assessments and students.
  7. Feedback

    • Primary key: FeedbackID
    • Attributes: FeedbackText, FeedbackDate
    • Relationships: Feedback is associated with courses and students.
  8. Report

    • Primary key: ReportID
    • Attributes: ReportType, ReportContent, GeneratedDate
    • Relationships: Reports are generated by users.
  9. Message

    • Primary key: MessageID
    • Attributes: MessageContent, SentDate
    • Relationships: Messages are sent between users.
  10. DiscussionForum

    • Primary key: ForumID
    • Attributes: Title, CreatedDate
    • Relationships: Forums are linked to courses.
  11. Post

    • Primary key: PostID
    • Attributes: PostContent, PostDate
    • Relationships: Posts are made in forums by users.
  12. LibraryResource

    • Primary key: ResourceID
    • Attributes: Title, ResourceType, ResourcePath, UploadDate
    • Relationships: Resources are accessible to students in the library.

This ER diagram provides a comprehensive view of the entities, attributes, and relationships within the Student Management and Course Tracking System. It helps in understanding the data structure and interactions between different components of the system


List of Web-Based Forms and Their Details

1. User Registration Form

  • Inputs:
    • Username
    • Password
    • Email
    • Profile Details (Name, Address, Phone Number)
  • Outputs:
    • Confirmation of successful registration
    • Error messages if input is invalid
  • Processing:
    • Validate inputs
    • Create a new user record in the database
    • Send a confirmation email
  • Data Flow:
    • User submits registration form
    • System validates and processes the form
    • Data is stored in the User table
    • Confirmation email is sent
  • User Roles:
    • None (public access)

2. User Login Form

  • Inputs:
    • Username
    • Password
  • Outputs:
    • Successful login and redirect to dashboard
    • Error messages for invalid credentials
  • Processing:
    • Validate credentials
    • Initiate user session
  • Data Flow:
    • User submits login form
    • System validates credentials against the User table
    • User session is created upon successful login
  • User Roles:
    • All registered users

3. Course Creation Form

  • Inputs:
    • Course Name
    • Course Description
    • Start Date
    • End Date
    • Coordinator ID
  • Outputs:
    • Confirmation of course creation
    • Error messages for invalid input
  • Processing:
    • Validate inputs
    • Create a new course record in the database
  • Data Flow:
    • Coordinator/Admin submits course creation form
    • System validates and processes the form
    • Data is stored in the Course table
  • User Roles:
    • Admin
    • Coordinator

4. Content Upload Form

  • Inputs:
    • Course ID
    • Content Type
    • Content Title
    • Content File (or path/link)
  • Outputs:
    • Confirmation of content upload
    • Error messages for invalid input or upload failure
  • Processing:
    • Validate inputs
    • Store content in the designated location
    • Create a new content record in the database
  • Data Flow:
    • Lecturer/Admin/Coordinator submits content upload form
    • System validates and processes the form
    • Data is stored in the Content table
  • User Roles:
    • Admin
    • Coordinator
    • Lecturer

5. Enrollment Request Form

  • Inputs:
    • Student ID (auto-filled)
    • Course ID
  • Outputs:
    • Confirmation of enrollment request
    • Error messages for invalid input
  • Processing:
    • Validate inputs
    • Create a new enrollment record with status "Pending"
  • Data Flow:
    • Student submits enrollment request form
    • System validates and processes the form
    • Data is stored in the Enrollment table
  • User Roles:
    • Student

6. Assessment Creation Form

  • Inputs:
    • Course ID
    • Assessment Type
    • Title
    • Description
    • Max Score
    • Due Date
  • Outputs:
    • Confirmation of assessment creation
    • Error messages for invalid input
  • Processing:
    • Validate inputs
    • Create a new assessment record in the database
  • Data Flow:
    • Coordinator/Lecturer submits assessment creation form
    • System validates and processes the form
    • Data is stored in the Assessment table
  • User Roles:
    • Coordinator
    • Lecturer

7. Assessment Submission Form

  • Inputs:
    • Assessment ID
    • Student ID (auto-filled)
    • Submission File or Content
  • Outputs:
    • Confirmation of submission
    • Error messages for invalid input or upload failure
  • Processing:
    • Validate inputs
    • Store submission content
    • Create a new submission record in the database
  • Data Flow:
    • Student submits assessment submission form
    • System validates and processes the form
    • Data is stored in the Submission table
  • User Roles:
    • Student

8. Grade Submission Form

  • Inputs:
    • Submission ID
    • Grade
    • Feedback
  • Outputs:
    • Confirmation of grading
    • Error messages for invalid input
  • Processing:
    • Validate inputs
    • Update the submission record with grade and feedback
  • Data Flow:
    • Lecturer/Coordinator submits grade submission form
    • System validates and processes the form
    • Data is updated in the Submission table
  • User Roles:
    • Lecturer
    • Coordinator

9. Feedback Submission Form

  • Inputs:
    • Course ID
    • Student ID (auto-filled)
    • Feedback Text
  • Outputs:
    • Confirmation of feedback submission
    • Error messages for invalid input
  • Processing:
    • Validate inputs
    • Create a new feedback record in the database
  • Data Flow:
    • Student submits feedback form
    • System validates and processes the form
    • Data is stored in the Feedback table
  • User Roles:
    • Student

10. Report Generation Form

  • Inputs:
    • Report Type (User, Course, Assessment, Enrollment)
    • Date Range (optional)
  • Outputs:
    • Generated report in the specified format (PDF, Excel, etc.)
    • Error messages for invalid input
  • Processing:
    • Validate inputs
    • Fetch and aggregate data based on report type
    • Generate report
  • Data Flow:
    • Admin/Coordinator/Faculty Head/University Head submits report generation form
    • System processes and generates the report
    • Report is displayed/downloaded
  • User Roles:
    • Admin
    • Coordinator
    • Faculty Head
    • University Head

11. Library Search Form

  • Inputs:
    • Search Query (keywords)
    • Filters (optional: Resource Type, Upload Date, etc.)
  • Outputs:
    • List of matching library resources
    • Error messages for invalid input
  • Processing:
    • Validate inputs
    • Search the library resources based on the query and filters
  • Data Flow:
    • Student submits library search form
    • System processes the search
    • Matching resources are displayed
  • User Roles:
    • Student


This detailed list of forms provides a comprehensive view of the inputs, outputs, processing, data flow, and user roles associated with each form within the Student Management and Course Tracking System. Each form is designed to fulfill specific functionalities, ensuring efficient user interaction and data management.


User Manual for Student Management and Course Tracking System

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Getting Started
  3. User Roles and Permissions
  4. Using the System
  5. Communication and Collaboration
  6. Tracking and Monitoring
  7. Troubleshooting and Support
  8. FAQ


The Student Management and Course Tracking System is a web-based application designed to streamline and enhance the management of student information, course details, enrollments, assessments, feedback, and communication within an educational institution. This user manual provides comprehensive instructions on how to use the system effectively.

Getting Started

System Requirements

  • A web browser (Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Safari, Edge)
  • Internet connection
  • An account (for registered users)

Accessing the System

  1. Open your web browser.
  2. Enter the system URL in the address bar.
  3. Press Enter to load the login page.

User Roles and Permissions

The system supports multiple user roles, each with specific permissions:

  • Admin
  • Learner/Student
  • Coordinator
  • Lecturer
  • Faculty Head
  • University Head

Each role has access to different parts of the system based on their responsibilities.

Using the System

User Registration

For Students:

  1. Navigate to the registration page.
  2. Fill in the required fields: Username, Password, Email, Profile Details.
  3. Click "Register".
  4. Check your email for a confirmation link and complete the registration process.

For Other Users:

  1. Admin creates accounts and provides login credentials.

User Login

  1. Navigate to the login page.
  2. Enter your username and password.
  3. Click "Login".
  4. You will be redirected to your dashboard.

Course Management

Creating a Course

  1. Log in as an Admin or Coordinator.
  2. Navigate to the "Courses" section.
  3. Click "Create New Course".
  4. Fill in the course details: Course Name, Description, Start Date, End Date, Coordinator.
  5. Click "Submit".

Uploading Content

  1. Log in as a Lecturer, Admin, or Coordinator.
  2. Navigate to the "Courses" section.
  3. Select the course to which you want to add content.
  4. Click "Upload Content".
  5. Select the content type (Document, Presentation, Video, Audio, Link).
  6. Fill in the content details and upload the file.
  7. Click "Submit".

Enrollment Management

Requesting Enrollment

  1. Log in as a Student.
  2. Navigate to the "Courses" section.
  3. Select the course you want to enroll in.
  4. Click "Request Enrollment".
  5. Your enrollment request will be submitted for approval.

Assessment Management

Creating an Assessment

  1. Log in as a Coordinator or Lecturer.
  2. Navigate to the "Assessments" section.
  3. Click "Create New Assessment".
  4. Fill in the assessment details: Course, Type, Title, Description, Max Score, Due Date.
  5. Click "Submit".

Submitting an Assessment

  1. Log in as a Student.
  2. Navigate to the "Assessments" section.
  3. Select the assessment you want to submit.
  4. Upload your submission file or content.
  5. Click "Submit".

Grading an Assessment

  1. Log in as a Lecturer or Coordinator.
  2. Navigate to the "Assessments" section.
  3. Select the assessment you want to grade.
  4. Enter the grade and feedback for each submission.
  5. Click "Submit".

Providing Feedback

  1. Log in as a Student.
  2. Navigate to the "Feedback" section.
  3. Select the course for which you want to provide feedback.
  4. Enter your feedback text.
  5. Click "Submit".

Generating Reports

  1. Log in as an Admin, Coordinator, Faculty Head, or University Head.
  2. Navigate to the "Reports" section.
  3. Select the report type (User, Course, Assessment, Enrollment).
  4. Specify the date range (if applicable).
  5. Click "Generate Report".
  6. The report will be displayed or downloaded.

Using the Digital Library

  1. Log in as a Student.
  2. Navigate to the "Library" section.
  3. Use the search bar to find resources.
  4. Apply filters to refine your search.
  5. Click on a resource to view or download it.

Communication and Collaboration

  • Discussion Forums: Participate in course-specific discussion forums.
  • Internal Messaging: Send direct messages to other users.
  • Announcements: Read important announcements posted by instructors.

Tracking and Monitoring

  • Dashboard: View your progress, upcoming assignments, and grades.
  • Analytics and Reports: Admins, Coordinators, and Lecturers can access detailed analytics and reports on student performance and engagement.

Troubleshooting and Support

  • Forgot Password: Use the "Forgot Password" link on the login page to reset your password.
  • Technical Support: Contact the system administrator for any technical issues.


  1. How do I reset my password?

    • Use the "Forgot Password" link on the login page and follow the instructions.
  2. How do I enroll in a course?

    • Navigate to the "Courses" section, select the course, and click "Request Enrollment".
  3. Who do I contact for technical support?

    • Contact the system administrator or use the support link provided on the website.

This user manual provides a comprehensive guide to using the Student Management and Course Tracking System. For any additional support, please refer to the troubleshooting section or contact the system administrator.


1 Search University

List all Courses

Allow user to Search Educational University/Institutes [Private/Government] based on the Course User Search

Provide Course details, Duration, Fees, Affiliated University

Using Google map provide comments, rating, contact details, website about the Course selected

Provide facility to compare Course for students

Provide facility to subscribe for students to website, to get notified when there is update or new Course added

Also provide facility for University/Institutes to Advertise and inform student about latest updates

Provide details about course based on the industry demand and Job opportunity

2 AI Suggestion

Allow user to upload GCE O/L or A/L and based on results suggest a good Course which suitable for user

If user wanted a different Course then AI suggested, provide youtube channels and free material from AI

3 User Registration and User Management

Admin Registration: Admin can create, edit, view, and delete user accounts.

Student Registration: Students can register and create accounts with basic personal information.

Role Assignment: Admin assigns roles (Student, Coordinator, Lecturer, Faculty Head, University Head) to users.

4 Course Management

Course Creation: Admin, Coordinators, and Lecturers can create new courses, define course structures, and set enrollment parameters.

Course Update: Ability to update course details and content.

Course Deletion: Ability to delete courses no longer needed.

View Courses: Users can view course details and enrolled courses.

5 Content Management

Upload Content: Lecturers, Coordinators, and Admin can upload documents, presentations, videos, audio files, and links to external resources.

Student Contribute by providing materials, [Coordinators should approve before publish]

Organize Content: Ability to organize content into modules, lessons, and units.

View Content: Students can view and download course materials.

6 Enrollment Management

View Enrollments: Admin and Coordinators can view enrollment lists.

Approve/Reject Enrollments: Admin and Coordinators can approve or reject enrollment requests.

Enrollment Settings: Define and manage enrollment rules and parameters.

7 Assessment and Evaluation

Create Assessment: Lecturers and Coordinators can create quizzes, tests, surveys, assignments, and peer reviews.

View Assessments: Students can view and take assessments.

Grade Assessments: Automated grading for objective questions; manual grading for subjective questions.

Feedback: Provide feedback on assessments.

8 Communication and Collaboration

Discussion Forums: Users can participate in course-specific discussion forums.

Messaging: Internal messaging system for direct communication between users.

Announcements: Lecturers and Coordinators can post announcements for students.

9 Feedback and Reporting

Submit Feedback: Students can submit feedback on courses and instructors.

View Feedback: Admin, Coordinators, and Lecturers can view and respond to feedback.

Generate Reports: Ability to generate various reports (user reports, course reports, assessment reports, enrollment reports).

10 Tracking and Monitoring

Track Engagement: Monitor student engagement, participation, and progress within courses.

Generate Insights: Provide insights and analytics on course effectiveness and student performance.

10 Personalization

Profile Management: Students can view and edit their profiles.

Course Recommendations: AI-based recommendations for courses based on student profiles.

Certificates and Results: Generate and view certificates and academic results.

11 Library Access

Search Library: Students can search for digital library resources.

View/Download Resources: Access and download library resources.


Your project idea is quite comprehensive and has a lot of potential. Here are some additional functions and details that could enhance your web application:

### 1. Search University

- **Advanced Filtering**: Include filters like course duration, type of study (full-time/part-time), delivery mode (online/offline/hybrid), and university accreditation.

- **User Reviews**: Allow users to leave reviews and ratings for courses and universities.

- **Bookmarks/Favorites**: Users can bookmark or save courses and universities they are interested in for later reference.

- **Notifications**: Notify users about application deadlines, scholarship opportunities, and open days for universities.

### 2. AI Suggestion

- **Profile-Based Suggestions**: AI can consider user interests, previous education, and career goals for more personalized recommendations.

- **Trend Analysis**: Provide insights into trending courses and emerging fields of study.

- **Pathway Suggestions**: Suggest prerequisite courses or bridging programs if a user’s qualifications do not meet the requirements for their desired course.

### 3. User Registration and User Management

- **Two-Factor Authentication**: Enhance security with two-factor authentication for user accounts.

- **Profile Customization**: Allow users to upload profile pictures and add personal information such as bio, skills, and interests.

- **Social Media Integration**: Users can sign up and log in using social media accounts (e.g., Google, Facebook).

### 4. Course Management

- **Prerequisite Management**: Define and manage prerequisites for courses.

- **Waitlist Management**: Allow users to join waitlists for fully enrolled courses.

- **Certificate Issuance**: Automatically issue certificates upon course completion.

### 5. Content Management

- **Interactive Content**: Support interactive content like quizzes and polls within course materials.

- **Multilingual Support**: Upload and manage content in multiple languages.

- **Content Analytics**: Provide analytics on content usage and engagement.

### 6. Enrollment Management

- **Automated Reminders**: Send automated reminders for upcoming classes, assignments, and deadlines.

- **Batch Enrollment**: Allow bulk enrollment for group registrations.

- **Self-Enrollment**: Enable students to self-enroll in courses that do not require approval.

### 7. Assessment and Evaluation

- **Plagiarism Detection**: Integrate tools for plagiarism detection in assignments.

- **Anonymous Peer Reviews**: Allow for anonymous peer reviews to maintain objectivity.

- **Adaptive Assessments**: Create adaptive assessments that adjust difficulty based on student performance.

### 8. Communication and Collaboration

- **Virtual Classrooms**: Integrate with video conferencing tools for live classes and webinars.

- **Group Projects**: Facilitate group project collaborations with shared workspaces and tools.

- **Event Calendar**: Provide a calendar for course-related events, deadlines, and activities.

### 9. Feedback and Reporting

- **Customizable Reports**: Allow users to customize the reports they generate based on different metrics and parameters.

- **Real-Time Feedback**: Enable real-time feedback mechanisms for instant student and instructor interactions.

- **Anonymized Feedback**: Allow students to submit anonymous feedback.

### 10. Tracking and Monitoring

- **Attendance Tracking**: Monitor and track student attendance for live sessions.

- **Progress Tracking**: Visualize student progress through course milestones.

- **Engagement Metrics**: Track engagement metrics like time spent on course material, participation in discussions, etc.

### 11. Personalization

- **Learning Pathways**: Offer personalized learning pathways based on student interests and goals.

- **Skill Assessment**: Conduct skill assessments to suggest suitable courses and resources.

- **Custom Dashboards**: Provide custom dashboards for users to view their activities, progress, and recommendations.

### 12. Library Access

- **E-Book Integration**: Integrate with e-book providers to offer a wide range of reading materials.

- **Citation Tools**: Provide tools for generating citations and managing bibliographies.

- **Resource Recommendations**: AI-based recommendations for library resources based on user profiles and course requirements.

These additional features can make your web application more robust, user-friendly, and capable of meeting diverse user needs.


  1. User

    • UserID (PK)
    • Username
    • Password
    • FirstName
    • LastName
    • Email
    • RoleID (FK)
    • ProfilePicture
    • CreatedAt
    • UpdatedAt
  2. Role

    • RoleID (PK)
    • RoleName
  3. University

    • UniversityID (PK)
    • UniversityName
    • Type (Private/Government)
    • Location
    • ContactDetails
    • Website
    • Rating
    • Comments
  4. Course

    • CourseID (PK)
    • CourseName
    • Duration
    • Fees
    • UniversityID (FK to University)
    • IndustryDemand
    • JobOpportunity
    • Description
  5. CourseComparison

    • ComparisonID (PK)
    • UserID (FK to User)
    • CourseID1 (FK to Course)
    • CourseID2 (FK to Course)
  6. Subscription

    • SubscriptionID (PK)
    • UserID (FK to User)
    • UniversityID (FK to University)
    • CourseID (FK to Course)
    • SubscribedAt
  7. Advertisement

    • AdID (PK)
    • UniversityID (FK to University)
    • Title
    • Description
    • PostedAt
  8. AISuggestion

    • SuggestionID (PK)
    • UserID (FK to User)
    • CourseID (FK to Course)
    • SuggestionReason
    • SuggestedAt
  9. UserEducation

    • EducationID (PK)
    • UserID (FK to User)
    • EducationLevel (GCE O/L, A/L, etc.)
    • Institution
    • Grades
    • UploadedAt
  10. Content

    • ContentID (PK)
    • CourseID (FK to Course)
    • Title
    • Description
    • ContentType (Document, Video, Audio, Link)
    • URL
    • UploadedBy (FK to User)
    • UploadedAt
  11. Enrollment

    • EnrollmentID (PK)
    • UserID (FK to User)
    • CourseID (FK to Course)
    • Status (Pending, Approved, Rejected)
    • EnrolledAt
  12. Assessment

    • AssessmentID (PK)
    • CourseID (FK to Course)
    • Title
    • Description
    • Type (Quiz, Test, Survey, Assignment, PeerReview)
    • CreatedBy (FK to User)
    • CreatedAt
  13. AssessmentResult

    • ResultID (PK)
    • AssessmentID (FK to Assessment)
    • UserID (FK to User)
    • Score
    • Feedback
    • GradedAt
  14. DiscussionForum

    • ForumID (PK)
    • CourseID (FK to Course)
    • Title
    • CreatedBy (FK to User)
    • CreatedAt
  15. Message

    • MessageID (PK)
    • SenderID (FK to User)
    • ReceiverID (FK to User)
    • Content
    • SentAt
  16. Announcement

    • AnnouncementID (PK)
    • CourseID (FK to Course)
    • Title
    • Content
    • PostedBy (FK to User)
    • PostedAt
  17. Feedback

    • FeedbackID (PK)
    • CourseID (FK to Course)
    • UserID (FK to User)
    • FeedbackContent
    • SubmittedAt
  18. Report

    • ReportID (PK)
    • ReportType (User, Course, Assessment, Enrollment)
    • GeneratedBy (FK to User)
    • GeneratedAt
    • Content
  19. Tracking

    • TrackingID (PK)
    • UserID (FK to User)
    • CourseID (FK to Course)
    • EngagementType (Participation, Progress, etc.)
    • TrackedAt
  20. LibraryResource

    • ResourceID (PK)
    • Title
    • Author
    • URL
    • ResourceType (E-Book, Article, Video)
    • UploadedAt
  21. Profile

    • ProfileID (PK)
    • UserID (FK to User)
    • Bio
    • Skills
    • Interests

New Entities and Attributes

  1. CourseRating

    • RatingID (PK)
    • CourseID (FK to Course)
    • UserID (FK to User)
    • Rating
    • Comments
    • CreatedAt
  2. CourseIndustryDemand

    • DemandID (PK)
    • CourseID (FK to Course)
    • Industry
    • JobOpportunities
    • DemandLevel

Updated Relationships

  • User - Role: One-to-Many (A user can have one role, but a role can be assigned to many users)
  • University - Course: One-to-Many (A university can offer many courses)
  • User - CourseComparison: One-to-Many (A user can compare many courses)
  • Course - CourseComparison: Many-to-Many (Courses can be compared multiple times)
  • User - Subscription: One-to-Many (A user can subscribe to multiple courses/universities)
  • University - Subscription: One-to-Many (A university can have multiple subscriptions)
  • Course - Subscription: One-to-Many (A course can have multiple subscriptions)
  • University - Advertisement: One-to-Many (A university can post many advertisements)
  • User - AISuggestion: One-to-Many (A user can receive multiple AI suggestions)
  • Course - AISuggestion: One-to-Many (A course can be suggested to multiple users)
  • User - UserEducation: One-to-Many (A user can upload multiple education records)
  • Course - Content: One-to-Many (A course can have multiple contents)
  • User - Content: One-to-Many (A user can upload multiple contents)
  • User - Enrollment: One-to-Many (A user can enroll in multiple courses)
  • Course - Enrollment: One-to-Many (A course can have multiple enrollments)
  • Course - Assessment: One-to-Many (A course can have multiple assessments)
  • User - Assessment: One-to-Many (A user can create multiple assessments)
  • Assessment - AssessmentResult: One-to-Many (An assessment can have multiple results)
  • User - AssessmentResult: One-to-Many (A user can have multiple assessment results)
  • Course - DiscussionForum: One-to-Many (A course can have multiple discussion forums)
  • User - DiscussionForum: One-to-Many (A user can create multiple discussion forums)
  • User - Message: One-to-Many (A user can send and receive multiple messages)
  • Course - Announcement: One-to-Many (A course can have multiple announcements)
  • User - Announcement: One-to-Many (A user can post multiple announcements)
  • Course - Feedback: One-to-Many (A course can have multiple feedbacks)
  • User - Feedback: One-to-Many (A user can submit multiple feedbacks)
  • User - Report: One-to-Many (A user can generate multiple reports)
  • User - Tracking: One-to-Many (A user can have multiple tracking records)
  • Course - Tracking: One-to-Many (A course can have multiple tracking records)
  • User - LibraryResource: One-to-Many (A user can upload multiple library resources)
  • User - Profile: One-to-One (A user has one profile)
  • Course - CourseRating: One-to-Many (A course can have multiple ratings)
  • User - CourseRating: One-to-Many (A user can rate multiple courses)
  • Course - CourseIndustryDemand: One-to-Many (A course can have multiple industry demands)

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