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Online Web based Bookstore Management System Download project report free pdf ppt download GitHub USCS BIT UoM Student Final Year Projects Guide and Classes The document describes project that was developed using PHP and mySQL as the backend


Online Book Shop Management System

├── User Management

│   ├── User Registration

│   │   ├── Sign-up Form

│   │   ├── Email Verification

│   │   └── Social Media Login

│   ├── User Login

│   │   ├── Username/Password

│   │   ├── Forgot Password

│   │   └── Two-Factor Authentication

│   ├── User Profiles

│   │   ├── View/Edit Profile

│   │   └── Order History

│   └── User Roles

│       ├── Customer

│       ├── Admin

│       └── Vendor

├── Book Management

│   ├── Book Catalog

│   │   ├── Categories

│   │   ├── Subcategories

│   │   └── Genres

│   ├── Book Details

│   │   ├── Title

│   │   ├── Author

│   │   ├── ISBN

│   │   ├── Price

│   │   ├── Description

│   │   ├── Publisher

│   │   └── Publication Date

│   ├── Inventory Management

│   │   ├── Stock Levels

│   │   ├── Reorder Alerts

│   │   └── Supplier Information

│   └── Reviews and Ratings

│       ├── Customer Reviews

│       └── Star Ratings

├── Order Management

│   ├── Shopping Cart

│   │   ├── Add/Remove Items

│   │   ├── View Cart

│   │   └── Apply Discounts/Coupons

│   ├── Checkout Process

│   │   ├── Billing Information

│   │   ├── Shipping Information

│   │   ├── Payment Options

│   │   └── Order Summary

│   ├── Order Tracking

│   │   ├── Order Status

│   │   ├── Shipping Status

│   │   └── Delivery Confirmation

│   └── Order History

│       ├── View Past Orders

│       └── Reorder Option

├── Payment Management

│   ├── Payment Gateways

│   │   ├── Credit/Debit Cards

│   │   ├── PayPal

│   │   └── Other Payment Options

│   ├── Transaction Records

│   │   ├── Payment Confirmation

│   │   └── Refunds and Returns

│   └── Security

│       ├── Encryption

│       └── PCI Compliance

├── Marketing and Promotions

│   ├── Discounts and Coupons

│   │   ├── Create/Manage Coupons

│   │   └── Promotional Campaigns

│   ├── Email Marketing

│   │   ├── Newsletters

│   │   └── Special Offers

│   └── Loyalty Programs

│       ├── Reward Points

│       └── Membership Tiers

├── Analytics and Reporting

│   ├── Sales Reports

│   │   ├── Daily/Monthly/Yearly Sales

│   │   └── Bestsellers

│   ├── Customer Insights

│   │   ├── Purchase Behavior

│   │   └── Demographics

│   ├── Inventory Reports

│   │   ├── Stock Levels

│   │   └── Reorder Reports

│   └── Marketing Reports

│       ├── Campaign Performance

│       └── ROI Analysis

├── Customer Support

│   ├── Help Center

│   │   ├── FAQs

│   │   ├── Tutorials

│   │   └── User Guides

│   ├── Live Chat

│   ├── Email Support

│   └── Phone Support

└── Security and Compliance

    ├── Data Protection

    │   ├── Encryption

    │   └── Secure Access Controls

    ├── Privacy Policies

    └── Regulatory Compliance

        ├── GDPR

        └── Other Regional Regulations

User Management

User Registration

  • Data Required: Username, Password, Email, Full Name, Phone Number, Address
  • Flow:
    1. User fills out the registration form.
    2. System sends a verification email.
    3. User clicks the verification link.
    4. Account is activated.
  • Functions/Features:
    • Social Media Login: Quick registration via Google, Facebook, etc.
    • Validation: Ensure email uniqueness and password strength.

User Login

  • Data Required: Username/Email, Password
  • Flow:
    1. User enters login credentials.
    2. System authenticates the user.
    3. User is redirected to the dashboard.
  • Functions/Features:
    • Two-Factor Authentication: Extra security via SMS or email code.
    • Forgot Password: Password reset via email link.

User Profiles

  • Data Required: User ID, Profile Picture, Address, Order History
  • Flow:
    1. User logs in.
    2. User can view and edit profile details.
  • Functions/Features:
    • View/Edit Profile: Update personal information.
    • Order History: Display past orders with details.

User Roles

  • Data Required: Role ID, Role Name, Permissions
  • Flow:
    1. Assign roles during user registration or by admin.
    2. Role-based access control in the system.
  • Functions/Features:
    • Customer: Browse and purchase books.
    • Admin: Manage the entire system.
    • Vendor: Manage their own book inventory.

Book Management

Book Catalog

  • Data Required: Book ID, Category ID, Subcategory ID, Genre ID
  • Flow:
    1. Admin/Vendor adds books to the catalog.
    2. Users browse categories/subcategories.
  • Functions/Features:
    • Filter/Search: By category, subcategory, genre, author, etc.
    • Recommendations: Based on browsing history.

Book Details

  • Data Required: Book ID, Title, Author, ISBN, Price, Description, Publisher, Publication Date, Cover Image
  • Flow:
    1. User clicks on a book.
    2. System displays book details.
  • Functions/Features:
    • Add to Cart/Wishlist: Options for user interaction.
    • Customer Reviews: Display and submit reviews.

Inventory Management

  • Data Required: Book ID, Stock Level, Reorder Level, Supplier ID
  • Flow:
    1. Admin/Vendor updates stock levels.
    2. System sends alerts for low stock.
  • Functions/Features:
    • Automatic Reordering: Trigger reorder alerts.
    • Supplier Management: Track suppliers and their inventory.

Reviews and Ratings

  • Data Required: Review ID, Book ID, User ID, Rating, Review Text, Date
  • Flow:
    1. User submits a review.
    2. Review is displayed on the book detail page.
  • Functions/Features:
    • Moderation: Admin approval for reviews.
    • Aggregate Rating: Display average rating.

Order Management

Shopping Cart

  • Data Required: Cart ID, User ID, Book IDs, Quantities, Prices
  • Flow:
    1. User adds/removes items in the cart.
    2. System updates cart in real-time.
  • Functions/Features:
    • Save Cart: Persist cart data for logged-in users.
    • Apply Discounts: Enter coupon codes.

Checkout Process

  • Data Required: Cart ID, User ID, Billing Information, Shipping Information, Payment Information
  • Flow:
    1. User proceeds to checkout.
    2. User enters billing/shipping details.
    3. User selects payment method and confirms order.
  • Functions/Features:
    • Order Summary: Display final order details.
    • Payment Gateway Integration: Process payments securely.

Order Tracking

  • Data Required: Order ID, User ID, Order Status, Shipping Status, Tracking Number
  • Flow:
    1. Order is placed.
    2. User can track order status and shipping updates.
  • Functions/Features:
    • Notifications: Email/SMS updates.
    • Delivery Confirmation: Confirm receipt of order.

Order History

  • Data Required: Order ID, User ID, Book IDs, Order Date, Total Amount
  • Flow:
    1. User views past orders.
    2. Option to reorder from history.
  • Functions/Features:
    • Detailed View: Display individual order details.
    • Reorder: Quick reorder option.

Payment Management

Payment Gateways

  • Data Required: Transaction ID, Payment Method, Amount, Status
  • Flow:
    1. User selects payment method.
    2. System processes payment via gateway.
  • Functions/Features:
    • Multiple Options: Credit/Debit cards, PayPal, etc.
    • Security: Secure payment processing.

Transaction Records

  • Data Required: Transaction ID, Order ID, User ID, Payment Method, Amount, Status
  • Flow:
    1. Payment is processed.
    2. Transaction record is stored and accessible.
  • Functions/Features:
    • Payment Confirmation: Email receipt.
    • Refunds: Process returns and refunds.


  • Data Required: Encryption Keys, Compliance Certificates
  • Flow:
    1. Data is encrypted during transactions.
    2. System ensures compliance with standards.
  • Functions/Features:
    • PCI Compliance: Adherence to payment security standards.
    • Encryption: Data protection during transactions.

Marketing and Promotions

Discounts and Coupons

  • Data Required: Coupon ID, Code, Discount Amount, Expiry Date
  • Flow:
    1. Admin creates/updates coupons.
    2. Users apply coupons at checkout.
  • Functions/Features:
    • Promotional Campaigns: Schedule and manage promotions.
    • Usage Limits: Control coupon usage per user.

Email Marketing

  • Data Required: Email List, Campaign Content, Metrics
  • Flow:
    1. Admin creates campaign.
    2. Emails are sent to subscribers.
  • Functions/Features:
    • Newsletters: Regular updates and promotions.
    • Analytics: Track open and click rates.

Loyalty Programs

  • Data Required: User ID, Points, Membership Tier
  • Flow:
    1. User earns points on purchases.
    2. Points can be redeemed for discounts.
  • Functions/Features:
    • Reward Points: Accumulate points for rewards.
    • Membership Tiers: Different benefits per tier.

Analytics and Reporting

Sales Reports

  • Data Required: Sales Data, Time Periods
  • Flow:
    1. Admin views sales reports.
    2. Data is presented in various formats.
  • Functions/Features:
    • Trends: Identify sales trends.
    • Bestsellers: Highlight top-selling books.

Customer Insights

  • Data Required: User Data, Purchase History
  • Flow:
    1. System analyzes customer data.
    2. Insights are presented to admin.
  • Functions/Features:
    • Purchase Behavior: Understand customer buying patterns.
    • Demographics: Segment customers by demographics.

Inventory Reports

  • Data Required: Inventory Levels, Sales Data
  • Flow:
    1. System generates inventory reports.
    2. Admin uses reports to manage stock.
  • Functions/Features:
    • Stock Levels: Monitor current stock.
    • Reorder Reports: Identify items needing restock.

Marketing Reports

  • Data Required: Campaign Data, Metrics
  • Flow:
    1. System tracks marketing campaign performance.
    2. Reports are generated for analysis.
  • Functions/Features:
    • Campaign Performance: Evaluate effectiveness.
    • ROI Analysis: Return on investment for campaigns.

Customer Support

Help Center

  • Data Required: FAQ Articles, Tutorials, User Queries
  • Flow:
    1. User accesses help center.
    2. System displays relevant help content.
  • Functions/Features:
    • FAQs: Common questions and answers.
    • Tutorials: Step-by-step guides.

Live Chat

  • Data Required: User ID, Chat Logs
  • Flow:
    1. User initiates live chat.
    2. Support agent responds in real-time.
  • Functions/Features:
    • Real-time Support: Instant help for users.
    • Chat History: Record of past interactions.

Email Support

  • Data Required: Support Tickets, Email Logs
  • Flow:
    1. User submits a support request via email.
    2. Support team responds and resolves the issue.
  • Functions/Features:
    • Ticketing System: Track and manage support requests.
    • Email Notifications: Updates on ticket status.

Phone Support

  • Data Required: Call Logs, Support Tickets
  • Flow:
    1. User calls support hotline.
    2. Support team assists over the phone.
  • Functions/Features:
    • Call Recording: For quality assurance.
    • Support Ticket: Log call details and resolutions.

Security and Compliance

Data Protection

  • Data Required: User Data, Security Logs
  • Flow:
    1. System encrypts sensitive data.
    2. Access controls are enforced.
  • Functions/Features:
    • Encryption: Protect user data.
    • Secure Access Controls: Limit access to sensitive information.

Privacy Policies

  • Data Required: Policy Documents
  • Flow:
    1. System displays privacy policies.
    2. Users accept policies during registration.
  • Functions/Features:
    • Policy Updates: Notify users of changes.
    • User Consent: Track user agreement.

Regulatory Compliance

  • Data Required: Compliance Documents, Audit Logs
  • Flow:
    1. System ensures compliance with regulations.
    2. Regular audits are conducted.
  • Functions/Features:
    • GDPR Compliance: Data protection regulations.
    • Regional Regulations: Compliance with local laws.

This comprehensive overview details the various components of an Online Book Shop Management System, their required data, workflows, and key functions/features


Online Book Shop Management System: User Documentation

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. User Registration
  3. User Login
  4. Managing User Profile
  5. Browsing the Book Catalog
  6. Book Details and Reviews
  7. Shopping Cart Management
  8. Checkout Process
  9. Order Tracking and History
  10. Managing Payment Methods
  11. Applying Discounts and Coupons
  12. Using Customer Support
  13. Security and Privacy
  14. Troubleshooting

1. Introduction

Welcome to the Online Book Shop Management System. This document provides step-by-step instructions for using the system effectively, covering all major tasks and features available to users.

2. User Registration

Objective: Create a new user account.


  1. Navigate to the registration page.
  2. Fill out the registration form with the following information:
    • Username
    • Password (must be at least 8 characters, including uppercase, lowercase, and a special character)
    • Email
    • Full Name
    • Phone Number
    • Address
  3. Click on the "Register" button.
  4. Check your email for a verification link.
  5. Click the verification link to activate your account.

3. User Login

Objective: Log in to your existing user account.


  1. Navigate to the login page.
  2. Enter your Username/Email and Password.
  3. Click the "Login" button.
  4. If Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) is enabled, enter the code sent to your email or phone.
  5. You will be redirected to your user dashboard.

4. Managing User Profile

Objective: View and update personal profile information.


  1. Log in to your account.
  2. Navigate to the "Profile" section from the user menu.
  3. View your current profile details.
  4. To edit, click the "Edit Profile" button.
  5. Update your information (e.g., Profile Picture, Address).
  6. Click "Save Changes" to update your profile.

5. Browsing the Book Catalog

Objective: Explore available books in the catalog.


  1. Log in to your account.
  2. Navigate to the "Books" section.
  3. Browse through categories and subcategories.
  4. Use the search bar to find specific books by title, author, or ISBN.
  5. Apply filters to narrow down results (e.g., genre, price range).

6. Book Details and Reviews

Objective: View detailed information and reviews for a book.


  1. Browse the book catalog.
  2. Click on a book title to view its details.
  3. Read the book description, author information, and publication details.
  4. Scroll down to view customer reviews and ratings.
  5. To add your review, click the "Write a Review" button, enter your rating and review text, and submit.

7. Shopping Cart Management

Objective: Add, view, and manage items in your shopping cart.


  1. While browsing or viewing a book detail page, click the "Add to Cart" button.
  2. To view your cart, click on the "Cart" icon in the top menu.
  3. Review the items in your cart.
  4. To change quantities, update the quantity field and click "Update Cart".
  5. To remove an item, click the "Remove" button next to the item.

8. Checkout Process

Objective: Complete the purchase of items in your cart.


  1. Go to your shopping cart.
  2. Click the "Proceed to Checkout" button.
  3. Enter or confirm your Billing Information and Shipping Information.
  4. Select a Payment Method (Credit/Debit Card, PayPal, etc.).
  5. Review your order summary.
  6. Apply any discount codes if available.
  7. Click "Place Order" to complete the purchase.
  8. You will receive an order confirmation email.

9. Order Tracking and History

Objective: Track the status of your orders and view order history.


  1. Log in to your account.
  2. Navigate to the "Orders" section.
  3. View the list of your current and past orders.
  4. Click on an order number to view its details.
  5. Track the status of your shipment with the provided tracking number.

10. Managing Payment Methods

Objective: Add and manage your payment methods.


  1. Log in to your account.
  2. Navigate to the "Payment Methods" section.
  3. To add a new payment method, click "Add Payment Method".
  4. Enter your card details or link your PayPal account.
  5. Click "Save" to add the payment method.
  6. To delete or update a payment method, select it and click "Delete" or "Edit".

11. Applying Discounts and Coupons

Objective: Apply discount codes to your orders.


  1. Proceed to the checkout with your cart items.
  2. In the order summary section, find the "Discount Code" field.
  3. Enter your discount code and click "Apply".
  4. The discount will be applied to your order total.

12. Using Customer Support

Objective: Access help and support from the online book shop.

Help Center:

  1. Navigate to the "Help Center" section.
  2. Browse through FAQs and tutorials.

Live Chat:

  1. Click on the "Live Chat" icon.
  2. Enter your query and start a chat with a support agent.

Email Support:

  1. Navigate to the "Contact Us" section.
  2. Fill out the support form with your query.
  3. Submit the form to receive support via email.

Phone Support:

  1. Call the support hotline number provided in the "Contact Us" section.
  2. Speak to a support agent for assistance.

13. Security and Privacy

Objective: Understand security and privacy measures.

Data Protection:

  1. Your personal data is encrypted and securely stored.
  2. Access to your data is restricted and controlled.

Privacy Policies:

  1. Review the privacy policy document available in the "Privacy Policy" section.
  2. Understand how your data is used and protected.

Regulatory Compliance:

  1. The system complies with relevant data protection regulations like GDPR.
  2. Regular audits are conducted to ensure compliance.

14. Troubleshooting

Common Issues and Solutions:

  1. Forgot Password:

    • Use the "Forgot Password" link on the login page to reset your password via email.
  2. Unable to Login:

    • Ensure your username and password are correct.
    • Check your email for account activation.
  3. Payment Failed:

    • Verify your payment details and try again.
    • Contact support if the issue persists.
  4. Order Not Received:

    • Check the order status in your account.
    • Use the tracking number provided to follow up with the shipping carrier.

For further assistance, please contact our support team through the provided channels.

This documentation should help users understand and effectively utilize the Online Book Shop Management System, covering all essential tasks and features.

1. User Registration

Use Case Diagram

Actors: User

Use Case:

  • Register
  • Verify Email

Sequence Diagram

Actors: User, System


  1. User initiates registration.
  2. System collects user information.
  3. System sends verification email.
  4. User clicks verification link.
  5. System activates account.



  1. Start
  2. Fill Registration Form
  3. Submit Form
  4. Send Verification Email
  5. User Clicks Link
  6. Activate Account
  7. End

Database Diagram


  • Users
    • UserID (PK)
    • Username
    • PasswordHash
    • Email
    • FullName
    • PhoneNumber
    • Address
    • IsVerified
    • CreatedAt
    • UpdatedAt

Class Diagram


  • User
    • Attributes: userID, username, passwordHash, email, fullName, phoneNumber, address, isVerified, createdAt, updatedAt
    • Methods: register(), verifyEmail(), updateProfile()

2. User Login

Use Case Diagram

Actors: User

Use Case:

  • Login
  • Two-Factor Authentication (if enabled)

Sequence Diagram

Actors: User, System


  1. User enters username and password.
  2. System verifies credentials.
  3. If 2FA is enabled, system sends code.
  4. User enters 2FA code.
  5. System grants access.



  1. Start
  2. Enter Username and Password
  3. Verify Credentials
  4. If 2FA enabled, send code
  5. Enter 2FA code
  6. Grant Access
  7. End

Database Diagram


  • Users (as above)

Class Diagram


  • User (as above)

3. Managing User Profile

Use Case Diagram

Actors: User

Use Case:

  • View Profile
  • Edit Profile

Sequence Diagram

Actors: User, System


  1. User navigates to profile section.
  2. System displays profile information.
  3. User edits profile information.
  4. System saves updates and confirms changes.



  1. Start
  2. Navigate to Profile Section
  3. View Profile Information
  4. Edit Profile Information
  5. Save Changes
  6. Confirm Changes
  7. End

Database Diagram


  • Users (as above)

Class Diagram


  • User (as above)

4. Browsing the Book Catalog

Use Case Diagram

Actors: User

Use Case:

  • Browse Books
  • Search Books
  • Filter Books

Sequence Diagram

Actors: User, System


  1. User navigates to books section.
  2. System displays book categories.
  3. User selects a category.
  4. System displays books in selected category.
  5. User applies filters/searches for specific books.
  6. System updates book list based on search/filter criteria.



  1. Start
  2. Navigate to Books Section
  3. Display Categories
  4. Select Category
  5. Display Books in Category
  6. Apply Search/Filter
  7. Update Book List
  8. End

Database Diagram


  • Books
    • BookID (PK)
    • Title
    • Author
    • ISBN
    • Description
    • Genre
    • Price
    • Stock
    • CreatedAt
    • UpdatedAt

Class Diagram


  • Book
    • Attributes: bookID, title, author, ISBN, description, genre, price, stock, createdAt, updatedAt
    • Methods: browse(), search(), filter()

5. Book Details and Reviews

Use Case Diagram

Actors: User

Use Case:

  • View Book Details
  • Read Reviews
  • Write Review

Sequence Diagram

Actors: User, System


  1. User selects a book from the catalog.
  2. System displays book details.
  3. User reads existing reviews.
  4. User writes and submits a new review.
  5. System saves and displays the new review.



  1. Start
  2. Select Book
  3. Display Book Details
  4. Read Reviews
  5. Write Review
  6. Submit Review
  7. Save and Display Review
  8. End

Database Diagram


  • Reviews
    • ReviewID (PK)
    • BookID (FK)
    • UserID (FK)
    • Rating
    • Comment
    • CreatedAt
    • UpdatedAt

Class Diagram


  • Review
    • Attributes: reviewID, bookID, userID, rating, comment, createdAt, updatedAt
    • Methods: writeReview(), readReviews()

6. Adding Books to Cart and Checkout

Use Case Diagram

Actors: User

Use Case:

  • Add to Cart
  • View Cart
  • Checkout
  • Make Payment

Sequence Diagram

Actors: User, System


  1. User selects a book to add to the cart.
  2. System adds the book to the cart.
  3. User views the cart.
  4. User proceeds to checkout.
  5. User enters payment information.
  6. System processes payment.
  7. System confirms order.



  1. Start
  2. Add Book to Cart
  3. View Cart
  4. Proceed to Checkout
  5. Enter Payment Information
  6. Process Payment
  7. Confirm Order
  8. End

Database Diagram


  • Cart

    • CartID (PK)
    • UserID (FK)
    • BookID (FK)
    • Quantity
  • Orders

    • OrderID (PK)
    • UserID (FK)
    • TotalPrice
    • Status
    • CreatedAt
  • OrderItems

    • OrderItemID (PK)
    • OrderID (FK)
    • BookID (FK)
    • Quantity
    • Price

Class Diagram


  • Cart
    • Attributes: cartID, userID, bookID, quantity
    • Methods: addToCart(), viewCart(), removeFromCart()
  • Order
    • Attributes: orderID, userID, totalPrice, status, createdAt
    • Methods: createOrder(), processPayment(), confirmOrder()
  • OrderItem
    • Attributes: orderItemID, orderID, bookID, quantity, price

7. Order History and Tracking

Use Case Diagram

Actors: User

Use Case:

  • View Order History
  • Track Order

Sequence Diagram

Actors: User, System


  1. User navigates to order history.
  2. System displays list of past orders.
  3. User selects an order to track.
  4. System displays tracking information.



  1. Start
  2. Navigate to Order History
  3. Display Past Orders
  4. Select Order to Track
  5. Display Tracking Information
  6. End

Database Diagram


  • Orders (as above)
  • OrderItems (as above)

Class Diagram


  • Order (as above)
  • OrderItem (as above)

8. Managing Payments and Billing

Use Case Diagram

Actors: User

Use Case:

  • Add Payment Method
  • View Billing Information
  • Update Billing Information

Sequence Diagram

Actors: User, System


  1. User navigates to payment methods.
  2. System displays current payment methods.
  3. User adds a new payment method.
  4. System saves the new payment method.
  5. User views billing information.
  6. User updates billing information.
  7. System saves the updated billing information.



  1. Start
  2. Navigate to Payment Methods
  3. Display Current Payment Methods
  4. Add New Payment Method
  5. Save New Payment Method
  6. View Billing Information
  7. Update Billing Information
  8. Save Updated Billing Information
  9. End

Database Diagram


  • PaymentMethods
    • PaymentMethodID (PK)
    • UserID (FK)
    • CardNumber
    • ExpiryDate
    • CardholderName
    • BillingAddress
    • CreatedAt
    • UpdatedAt

Class Diagram


  • PaymentMethod
    • Attributes: paymentMethodID, userID, cardNumber, expiryDate, cardholderName, billingAddress, createdAt, updatedAt
    • Methods: addPaymentMethod(), viewBillingInformation(), updateBillingInformation()

9. Managing Shipping Information

Use Case Diagram

Actors: User

Use Case:

  • Add Shipping Address
  • View Shipping Information
  • Update Shipping Information

Sequence Diagram

Actors: User, System


  1. User navigates to shipping information.
  2. System displays current shipping addresses.
  3. User adds a new shipping address.
  4. System saves the new shipping address.
  5. User updates existing shipping address.
  6. System saves the updated shipping address.



  1. Start
  2. Navigate to Shipping Information
  3. Display Current Shipping Addresses
  4. Add New Shipping Address
  5. Save New Shipping Address
  6. Update Shipping Address
  7. Save Updated Shipping Address
  8. End

Database Diagram


  • ShippingAddresses
    • ShippingAddressID (PK)
    • UserID (FK)
    • AddressLine1
    • AddressLine2
    • City
    • State
    • ZipCode
    • Country
    • CreatedAt
    • UpdatedAt

Class Diagram


  • ShippingAddress
    • Attributes:


menu for each role: admin, cashier, store keeper, and customer.

Admin Menu

1. User Management

  • Add User
  • Edit User
  • Delete User
  • View Users

2. Book Management

  • Add Book
  • Edit Book
  • Delete Book
  • View Books
  • Manage Book Categories

3. Inventory Management

  • View Inventory
  • Update Inventory
  • Generate Inventory Reports

4. Order Management

  • View Orders
  • Update Order Status
  • Cancel Order

5. Review Management

  • View Reviews
  • Approve/Reject Reviews

6. Payment Management

  • View Payments
  • Process Refunds

7. Reports

  • Sales Reports
  • Inventory Reports
  • User Activity Reports

8. Settings

  • Update System Settings
  • Manage Permissions

Cashier Menu

1. Order Processing

  • Create New Order
  • View Pending Orders
  • Update Order Status
  • Complete Order

2. Payment Management

  • Process Payments
  • Issue Receipts
  • Manage Refunds

3. Customer Management

  • Add Customer
  • Edit Customer Information
  • View Customer Orders

4. Reports

  • Daily Sales Report
  • Payment Reports

Store Keeper Menu

1. Inventory Management

  • View Inventory
  • Update Stock Levels
  • Add New Stock
  • Remove Damaged Stock

2. Book Management

  • Add New Books
  • Edit Book Details
  • Remove Books

3. Order Fulfillment

  • View Pending Orders
  • Prepare Orders for Shipment
  • Update Order Status (Shipped/Out of Stock)

4. Reports

  • Inventory Reports
  • Stock Level Alerts

Customer Menu

1. Browse Books

  • View All Books
  • Search Books
  • Filter by Category
  • View Book Details

2. Account Management

  • Create Account
  • Edit Profile
  • View Order History
  • Manage Payment Methods
  • Manage Shipping Addresses

3. Shopping Cart

  • View Cart
  • Add/Remove Items
  • Update Item Quantity
  • Proceed to Checkout

4. Orders

  • View Order History
  • Track Order Status

5. Reviews

  • Write Review
  • View Submitted Reviews

6. Support

  • Contact Support
  • View FAQs

For more guidance !!!

Online Individual / Group classes in English / Sinhala / Tamil. Sample Projects/Assignments Exam Papers, Tutorials, Notes and Answers will we provided.


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LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/in/ict-bit-tuition-class-software-development-colombo/
WordPress https://computerclassinsrilanka.wordpress.com
quora https://www.quora.com/profile/BIT-UCSC-UoM-Final-Year-Student-Project-Guide
Newsletter https://sites.google.com/view/the-leaning-tree/newsletter
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