Monday, February 19, 2024

Listening section of the PTE Academic exam guide for higher band

Listening section of the PTE Academic exam. I'll provide a template for each type of task along with examples, focus areas, and vocabulary.

  1. Summarize Spoken Text:

    • Template:
      • You will listen to a short lecture or talk (around 60-90 seconds).
      • Summarize the main points in one sentence.
    • Example:
      • Lecture topic: The importance of renewable energy sources.
      • Summary: The speaker discusses the significance of transitioning to renewable energy sources such as solar and wind power to mitigate climate change and reduce reliance on fossil fuels.
    • Focus Areas:
      • Listening for main ideas and supporting details.
      • Paraphrasing and condensing information effectively.
    • Vocabulary: renewable energy, sustainability, climate change, fossil fuels, solar power, wind energy.
    • Tip : Not Priority
    • Grammar& Form [no of words] important
    • Content 2, Form 2 [50-70 very important] Grammar 2, Vocabulary 2, Spelling 2 Marks
    • You will hear a short lecture, Write a summary for a follow student who was not present at the lecture, You should write 50 -70 words,
    • You have 10 mints to finish the task, Your response will be judged on the quality of your writing and on how will your response presents the key points presented in lecture
    • 1 or 2 Questions [8 to 10 marks]
    • Closer those maker after answering questions. [Ink may get dry]
    • You will hear a lecture, After listening to the lecture, in 10 sec, please speak into the microphone and retell what you have just heard from the lecture in your own words, you will have 40 sec to give your response
    • No need to speak 40 sec, 25- to 30 sec speaking enough
    • Speak in Natural way clearly without stop or slow in a flow
    • When you listen don't write, when you write don't listen
    • Don't worry about grammar and spellings
    • Write 4-5 Small Phases instead of just keywords, Use the template and Just Speak
    • When you have less phase, just repat it
    • write phases instead of keywords
    • + The lecture gives the important key points and the relevant information about (1) in the beginning the speaker explained about (2) Later speaker mentioned about the importance of (3) Here the speaker was ideally pointing at the fact that (4) In conclusion,
    • the lecture gives the important key points about (5)
    • The talk was about ---, Firstly the speaker talked about --. Later, the speaker said ---. Furthermore, the speaker provided imperative information on ---. In the end, the speaker left an important note on ---.

  1. Multiple Choice, Single Answer:

    • Template:
      • Listen to an audio clip (around 30-60 seconds).
      • Choose the correct option from the given choices.
    • Example:
      • Audio clip: A conversation about weekend plans.
      • Question: What is the woman planning to do on Saturday?
        • A) Go hiking
        • B) Visit a museum
        • C) Attend a concert
        • D) Stay at home
      • Correct answer: A) Go hiking
    • Focus Areas:
      • Understanding specific details and context.
      • Identifying the main purpose or intention of the speakers.
    • Vocabulary: weekend activities, leisure plans, preferences, social events.
  2. Fill in the Blanks (Listening & Writing):

    • Template:
      • Listen to an audio clip (around 30-60 seconds) with gaps in the transcript.
      • Type the missing words into the blanks.
    • Example:
      • Audio clip: A news report about a recent event.
      • Transcript: "The ________ is expected to ________ by 20% over the next year due to ________ in demand."
      • Missing words: market, grow, increase
    • Focus Areas:
      • Listening for specific information to complete sentences accurately.
      • Spelling and grammar while typing the answers.
    • Vocabulary: economic trends, projections, factors influencing growth.
  3. Highlight Correct Summary:

    • Template:
      • Listen to an audio clip (around 60-90 seconds) followed by several summaries.
      • Choose the summary that best matches the content of the recording.
    • Example:
      • Audio clip: A radio interview about a new scientific discovery.
      • Summary 1: Scientists have made a groundbreaking discovery in the field of genetics.
      • Summary 2: The interviewee discusses recent advancements in medical technology.
      • Summary 3: The discovery of a new species has led to significant implications for biodiversity.
      • Correct summary: Summary 1
    • Focus Areas:
      • Understanding the main idea and key points of the recording.
      • Identifying the most relevant summary among the options.
    • Vocabulary: scientific breakthrough, genetic research, medical advancements.
  4. Highlight Incorrect Words:

    • Template:
      • Listen to an audio clip (around 30-60 seconds) followed by a transcript.
      • Identify and select the words in the transcript that differ from what you heard.
    • Example:
      • Audio clip: A conversation between two colleagues discussing a project.
      • Transcript: "We need to submit the report by Friday to meet the deadline."
      • Incorrect word: "submit" (heard as "submitting")
    • Focus Areas:
      • Carefully listening for discrepancies between the spoken words and the transcript.
      • Attention to detail while selecting the incorrect words.
    • Vocabulary: accuracy, discrepancy, transcription errors.

Focus on improving your listening comprehension by practicing with a variety of English accents and topics. Pay attention to transitional phrases, intonation, and vocabulary used in different contexts. Additionally, enhance your note-taking skills to capture essential information effectively.

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